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Is This 'Gormangate'? ALA President-Elect Draws Fire

机译:这是“ Gormangate”吗? ALA当选总统激怒

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Three months before taking office, American Library Association (ALA) president-elect Michael Gorman has touched off a firestorm by taking on bloggers in the pages of Library Journal. At press time, Gorman's "Revenge of the Blog People" (BackTalk, LJ 2/15/05, p. 44) had librarians and bloggers-from within and outside the library community-buzzing, with over 1000 responses on popular technology site Slashdot.org. In addition, emails poured in to LJ and to Gorman himself, who received more than a hundred responses. [For more, see Editorial, p. 8, and Feedback, p. 12.] Gorman's BackTalk piece was motivated by bloggers' heated response to his December 17 op-ed piece for the Los Angeles Times that questioned Google's digitization initiatives. Unfortunately for Gorman, his colorful rhetoric in responding to his critics was largely seen as an attack on Hogging. Rather than advancing the discussion of Google's usefulness, Gorman instead ignited a discussion about whether ALA, Gorman, or libraries in general are out of touch with technology.
机译:上任前三个月,当选美国图书馆协会(ALA)主席的迈克尔·高曼(Michael Gorman)通过在《图书馆杂志》的页面上聘请博客作者引发了一场风暴。到记者发稿时,高曼的“博客人报仇”(BackTalk,LJ 2/15/05,第44页)使图书馆社区内外的馆员和博主们蜂拥而至,在流行的技术网站Slashdot上有1000多个响应.org。此外,还向LJ和戈尔曼本人发送了电子邮件,戈尔曼本人收到了一百多个回复。 [有关更多信息,请参见第40页的社论。 8,和反馈,p。 12.]戈尔曼(Gorman)的BackTalk文章受到博客作者对其12月17日在《洛杉矶时报》上发表的专栏文章的热烈响应,该文章质疑Google的数字化计划。对于戈尔曼而言,不幸的是,他对批评家的回应充满色彩,在很大程度上被视为对霍金的攻击。戈尔曼并没有提起关于Google有用性的讨论,而是引发了有关ALA,戈尔曼或一般图书馆是否与技术脱节的讨论。



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