AbstractThe purpose of the current study was to estimate reliability, internal consistency and construct validi'/> Measures of instruction for creative engagement: Making metacognition, modeling and creative thinking visible
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Measures of instruction for creative engagement: Making metacognition, modeling and creative thinking visible


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AbstractThe purpose of the current study was to estimate reliability, internal consistency and construct validity of the Measure of Instruction for Creative Engagement (MICE) instrument. The MICE uses an iterative process of evidence collection and scoring through teacher observations to determine instructional domain ratings and overall scores. The results demonstrated the sound inter-observer reliability, teacher stability and score validity of the MICE. We found (a) a low proportion of rater variance (0.14–5.99%), (b) moderate to highly correlated within-teacher ratings ranging fromr(17) = 0.663,p < 0.01 tor(17) = 1.000,p < 0.01 and (c) a statistically-significant difference between classroom teachers and teaching artists,t(56) = 7.37,p = 0.000. These results relate to the development of classroom environment instruments and the substantive development of pedagogy that supports creative thinking and behaviours, both of which are a priority for enhancing teacher accountability and student learning.
机译: Abstract 当前研究的目的是评估可靠性,内部一致性和结构效度创造力教学方法(MICE)的说明。 MICE使用循证收集和评分的迭代过程,通过教师的观察来确定教学领域的等级和总分。结果表明,MICE的观察者之间具有良好的信度,教师稳定性和分数效度。我们发现(a)评估者方差的比例较低(0.14-5.99%),(b)中度至高度相关的教师内部评级范围为 r (17)= 0.663, p <0.01到 r (17)= 1.000, p <0.01 (c)课堂教师与教学艺术家之间的统计差异显着, t (56)= 7.37, p = 0.000 。这些结果与教室环境工具的发展以及支持创造性思维和行为的教学法的实质性发展有关,这两者都是增强教师责任感和学生学习的重点。



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