首页> 外文期刊>Journal of urban technology >Theory and Application of Urban Governance: The Case of Seoul

Theory and Application of Urban Governance: The Case of Seoul


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Or some time, scholars have been noting the differences between the Fordist mode of production in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries and that of the post-Fordist methods of the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries. In the field of urban public administration, the former period, during which many large technical systems were introduced into cities, is associated with a progressivism that focused on professionalism, impersonality, the inputs rather than outputs of public organizations, and bureaucratic adherence to procedures and rules. This doctrine was introduced and fortified by the perceived failure of either the market or the state to provide adequate public services. In the current era, characterized by the explosion of information and communications networks overlaid on the networks of the earlier era, public administration relies on a fusion of the private and public sectors, an emphasis on results, and a shift from hierarchy to teamwork. This grand paradigm shift has been termed a shift "from government to governance" or "governance without government." Whereas the administrative doctrines of the earlier period grew out of the failures of the industrial state, the new paradigm has been driven by a perceived failure of government, resulting from excessive and irrational government intervention.



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