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Bus rapid transit as a neoliberal contradiction


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Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) is being implemented as a neoliberal project, but it creates contradictions that challenge the premise of neoliberalism. BRT projects are affordable rapid transit infrastructure, but they are also an impetus to restructure the urban bus sector in developing cities with informal mass transport. The dominant model of BRT implementation creates a market for bus service from large private companies where the government takes on the risk and brands the service as part of the city's attempt to be a 'world class' city that can attract mobile capital. However, BRT and the formalization of the bus sector can increase the power of urban residents by firmly putting transport in the public sphere; workers by increasing the incentives for collective action; and bus riders by prioritizing space for buses over cars. But these are only openings that require action to take advantage of the contradictions. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:公交捷运(BRT)正在作为新自由主义项目实施,但它产生了挑战新自由主义前提的矛盾。快速公交项目是负担得起的快速公交基础设施,但它们也推动了以非正式大众运输方式发展中的城市重组城市公交部门。 BRT实施的主导模式为大型私营公司的巴士服务创造了市场,政府承担了风险,并为该服务贴上了品牌标签,这是该市试图成为“世界一流”城市的一部分,可以吸引移动资本。但是,BRT和公交部门的正规化可以通过将交通牢固地置于公共领域来提高城市居民的能力;工人通过增加集体行动的动机;和乘车人,将乘车空间优先于汽车。但是,这些只是需要采取行动以利用矛盾的开口。 (C)2015 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。



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