首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Southeast University >Classification of forearm action surface EMG signals based on fractal dimension

Classification of forearm action surface EMG signals based on fractal dimension


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Surface electromyogram (EMG). signals were identified by fractal dimension. Two patterns of surface EMG signals were acquired from 30 healthy volunteers' right forearm flexor respectively in the process of forearm supination (FS) and forearm pronation (FP). After the raw action surface EMG (ASEMG) signal was decomposed into several sub-signals with wavelet packet transform (WPT). five fractal dimensions were respectively calculated from the raw signal and four sub-signals by the method based on fuzzy self-similarity. The results show that calculated from the sub-signal in the band 0 to 125 Hz, the fractal dimensions of FS ASEMG signals and FP ASEMG signals distributed in two different regions, and its error rate based on Bayes decision was no more than 2. 26 percent. Therefore, the fractal dimension is an appropriate feature by which an FS ASEMG signal is distinguished from an FP ASEMG signal.
机译:表面肌电图(EMG)。分形维数确定信号。在前臂旋后(FS)和前臂内旋(FP)过程中,分别从30名健康志愿者的右前臂屈肌中获得了两种表面肌电信号模式。使用小波包变换(WPT)将原始作用表面EMG(ASEMG)信号分解为几个子信号。通过基于模糊自相似度的方法,分别从原始信号和四个子信号分别计算出五个分形维数。结果表明,从0到125 Hz频带的子信号计算,FS ASEMG信号和FP ASEMG信号的分形维数分布在两个不同的区域,基于贝叶斯判决的误码率不超过2。26百分。因此,分形维数是将FS ASEMG信号与FP ASEMG信号区分开的合适特征。



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