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The Chronicles and Annalistic Sources of the Early Mamluk Circassian Period


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One thing that has attracted many to the study of the Mamluk Sultanate, from its military-political elite to the large swathes of the society in Egypt and Syria over which it ruled, is the rich historiographical literature from the period. An excellent idea of the wealth, depth and detail of this corpus is provided by Sami Massoud's study of historical writing in the early Circassian period, which is generally taken to have begun with Barquq's first rise to power in 1282 ce. This particular study, however, commences a few years before, when the ground was being laid for the transformation of Mamluk politics. Dr Massoud's work is a reliable, yet preliminary, guide through a dense thicket of writers -some more famous than others -and works, including various 'editions' (i.e. variant manuscripts and summations of earlier works by later authors) for a twenty five year period. The fact that this is a "preliminary" study (as stressed by the author himself) does not detract from its potential usefulness and significance for students of Mamluk historiography, as well as for those interested in the intellectual, social, political, military and economic history of the period.
机译:从玛格鲁克苏丹国的军事政治精英到它统治的埃及和叙利亚社会的众多领域,吸引了许多人的研究是该时期丰富的史学文献。萨米·马苏德(Sami Massoud)在切尔克斯时代的早期对历史著作的研究提供了关于该语料库的财富,深度和细节的极好主意,通常认为这是从巴古克(Barquq)于1282年首次掌权以来开始的。然而,这项特殊的研究是在几年前开始的,那时马姆鲁克的政治变革已经奠定了基础。 Massoud博士的作品是可靠而初步的指南,指导了密集的作家丛(其中一些作家比其他作家更为著名)和作品,其中包括长达25年的各种“版本”(即变体手稿和后来作者的早期作品的总结)。期。这是一项“初步”研究(正如作者本人所强调的那样),这一事实并不削弱其对马穆鲁克史学的学生以及对知识分子,社会,政治,军事和经济感兴趣的学生的潜在有用性和意义。该时期的历史。



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