首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the royal Asiatic society >The Figures of Kōho and Li-mi-i, and the Origins of the Case for a Christian Missionary Presence in Tenpyō Era fapan

The Figures of Kōho and Li-mi-i, and the Origins of the Case for a Christian Missionary Presence in Tenpyō Era fapan


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In 1916 P.Y.Saeki devoted a page of his book "The Nestorian Monument in China," to a short thought experiment which linked a Persian by the name of Li-mi-itwho was present in Emperor Shōmu'st聖武天皇 court and whose arrival was mentioned in the Shoku Nihongi with a priest named on the Nestorian Stele.Since that first suggestion, several scholars have expounded the idea that Li-mi-i and another figure who arrived alongside him, Kōho Tōchō 皇甫東朝 , were Christians and/or missionaries.In this paper I assess these claims, returning to the Shoku Nihongi in order to suggest that there is a lack of data to establish them as true.I then seek to explore the origins of this theory situating it within the joint context of Japan's imperial expansion and her modernization.Whilst the latter cannot be conclusive, I hope that it may shed light on the significance of the theory which can be seen as a search to discover Japanese history, a statement of the equality between Japanese and Western histories, or an attempt to justify imperial aims in China academically.
机译:1916年,PYSaeki在他的著作《中国的内斯托里亚纪念碑》中专门写了一页书,进行了一次简短的思想实验,该实验将一个名叫李米·伊特沃(Li-mi-itw)的波斯人链接到了皇帝圣武天皇宫廷,在Shoku Nihongi中提到了一位以Nestorian Stele命名的神父。从最初的建议开始,几位学者就阐述了一个想法,即Li-mi-i和另一位与他并驾齐驱的人KōhoTōchō皇甫东朝是基督徒和/在本文中,我对这些主张进行了评估,然后返回Shoku Nihongi,以表明缺乏将其确定为真实的数据。然后,我试图探索这种理论的起源,并将其置于日本的帝国扩张及其现代化。虽然后者不能定论,但我希望它可以阐明该理论的意义,该理论可以看作是对日本历史的探索,是对日本和西方历史平等的一种表述,要么 试图在学术上证明中国的帝国主义目标是正确的。



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