首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Portfolio Management >Pricing and Index Considerations in Commercial Real Estate Derivatives

Pricing and Index Considerations in Commercial Real Estate Derivatives


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Until very recently, real estate was the largest class of tradable assets for which no majorrnderivatives markets existed. This began tornchange around 2005, when swaps based on the Investment Property Databank (IPD) Index began over-the-counter trading in substantial volume in the U.K., growing to over £3 billion of notional value traded in the first quarter of 2007. This is more than one-third of the current total rate of quarterly trading volume in the cash market for IPD-tracked properties. An equivalent number in the U.S., based on properties tracked by Real Capital Analytics Inc. (RCA), would be over $120 billion of derivatives trading volume per year. However, real estate derivatives trading in the U.S. has been slow to take off. While the NCREIF Property Index (NPI) has been available for trading since 2005, few deals had been done by early 2007 when the license was opened to multiple investment banks.
机译:直到最近,房地产才是最大的可交易资产类别,尚无主要的衍生品市场存在。这种情况在2005年左右开始发生变化,当时基于投资房地产数据库(IPD)指数的掉期交易在英国开始大量的场外交易,在2007年第一季度交易的名义价值增长到30亿英镑以上。是IPD追踪的房地产在现金市场上当前季度交易总量的三分之一以上。根据Real Capital Analytics Inc.(RCA)跟踪的资产,在美国,同等数量的衍生品交易量每年将超过1200亿美元。但是,美国的房地产衍生品交易起步缓慢。尽管NCREIF房地产指数(NPI)自2005年以来就可以交易,但到2007年初向多家投资银行开放许可证时,很少有交易达成。



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