首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Philosophical Logic >Probabilistic Cause and the Thirsty Traveler

Probabilistic Cause and the Thirsty Traveler


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In this paper I start by briefly presenting an analysis of token cause and of token causal relevance that I developed elsewhere, and then apply it to the famous thirsty traveler riddle. One general outcome of the analysis of causal relevance employed here is that in preemption cases (early or late) the preempted cause is not a cause since it is causally irrelevant to the effect. I consider several variations of the thirsty traveler riddle. In the first variation the first enemy emptied the canteen and the second enemy threw it away. On this variation, the act of neither enemy comes out, on the analysis employed here, as causally relevant to, and thus not as a cause of, the fact that the traveler died, but the conjunction of the two acts is a cause of it. This version is a case of mutual preemption. I argue that it has the same structure as the voting paradox, which thus has an analogous solution. In the standard version, in which the first enemy added poison to the water in the traveler's canteen, the act of the second enemy (who threw the canteen away) comes out, on the analysis used here, as causally relevant to and as a cause of the fact that the traveler died, but the act of the first enemy comes out as neither. I also make a comparison with Lewis' accounts, and discuss alternative treatments of the puzzle such as those of Hart and Honore and of Gavison, Margalit, and Ullmann-Margalit.
机译:在本文中,我首先简要介绍了我在其他地方开发的令牌原因和令牌因果相关性分析,然后将其应用于著名的口渴旅行者之谜。此处使用因果相关性分析的一个总体结果是,在抢占情况下(早或晚),抢占原因不是原因,因为它与影响没有因果关系。我考虑了口渴的旅行者之谜的几种变化。在第一个变体中,第一个敌人清空了食堂,第二个敌人将其扔掉了。根据这种变化,在这里进行的分析中,没有敌人的举动与旅行者死亡的事实有因果关系,因此不是原因,但是两种举动的结合是造成旅行者死亡的原因。 。此版本是相互抢占的情况。我认为它具有与投票悖论相同的结构,因此具有类似的解决方案。在标准版本中,第一个敌人在旅行者食堂的水中添加了毒药,根据此处使用的分析,第二个敌人(将食堂扔掉了)的行为出现了,与原因和因果相关旅行者死亡的事实,但是第一个敌人的举动却没有。我还与刘易斯的叙述进行了比较,并讨论了诸如哈特和奥诺和加维森,玛格丽特和乌尔曼玛格丽特之类的难题的替代方法。



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