首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of North African Studies >Constructing an independent Moroccan nation and national identity through cinema and institutions

Constructing an independent Moroccan nation and national identity through cinema and institutions


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A significant axis this paper addresses is the interrelationship of the nation and its cinema, particularly during the early years of national independence during which time the cinema may be used as a tool to cement national identity and unity - as is the case in Morocco's post-independence cinema history from 1956 to 1970. The paper investigates the link between national films and national identity during this important post-independence, nation-cementing era for Morocco. It provides the initial orientation to the cinema developments in Morocco inherited from French colonisation and emphasises that cinema production practices and institutions did not change drastically with Morocco's move to independence in 1956. The author focuses upon films made in Morocco by Moroccans subsequent to independence, overviews the original laws and regulations maintained by the CCM, and investigates early expectations of those first Moroccan filmmakers, and how the filmmakers worked with various institutions. Additionally, she presents how distribution and exhibition functioned in the country at the time, both for Moroccan productions and for other films that were instrumental in shaping the consciousness of consumers about cinema in general. Pertinent to this last point is information presented on the role of pivotal institutions impacting the domain of cinema in Morocco, such as cinema clubs and caravans. The author then presents an overview, not a close analysis, of several pertinent short films and feature films produced between independence in 1956 and 1970.
机译:本文探讨的一个重要轴心是国家及其电影院的相互关系,尤其是在民族独立的初期,在此期间,电影院可以用作巩固民族认同和统一的工具-摩洛哥后世时期就是这种情况。 1956年至1970年的独立电影史。本文研究了摩洛哥这个重要的独立后,民族融合时代的国家电影与民族身份之间的联系。它为继承自法国殖民地的摩洛哥电影发展提供了最初的方向,并强调电影制作方法和体制并没有随着1956年摩洛哥的独立而发生巨大变化。作者着重介绍了摩洛哥人在摩洛哥独立后拍摄的电影,概述了CCM维护的原始法律法规,并调查了这些摩洛哥第一批电影制片人的早期期望,以及电影制片人与各种机构合作的方式。此外,她还介绍了当时的发行和放映在摩洛哥的运作方式,既适用于摩洛哥的作品,也适用于其他电影,这些电影和电影有助于塑造消费者对电影的整体意识。与最后一点有关的信息是,影响电影院和大篷车等摩洛哥电影院发展的关键机构的作用。然后,作者介绍了1956年至1970年独立之间制作的几部相关的短片和故事片,但没有进行详尽的分析。



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