首页> 外文期刊>Journal of multicultural discourses >Discourses of (non)Western Subjectivity and Philosophical Recovery

Discourses of (non)Western Subjectivity and Philosophical Recovery


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This commentary addresses the lead paper by Narcisa Paredes-Canilao, an intriguing account of discussions in the University of the Philippines over differing knowledge claims. This is a local debate that has global ramifications for the status of indigenous knowledges and discourses and their levels of interactivity with theoretical positions emanating from the West. The argument put forward here by Narcisa Paredes-Canilao is that certain strains of postcolonial theory are at best irrelevant and at worst destructive to the work of postcolonial resistance in the Philippines and other previously colonised countries. She proposes that it is the recovery of indigenous/traditional non-Western discourses that will support and facilitate a decolonisation of the subject. This paper argues that the two positions need not constitute a differend. Both can work towards productive resistance. While there is an urgent need to remember and reconfigure the past through non-Western lenses, there are also current contemporary forms of colonisation that must be deconstructed and talked back to. Postcolonial theory offers rich philosophical resources with which to think, talk and write outside the story of the West, as do indigenous and other non-Western knowledge forms. The paper ends with a brief consideration of indigenous research discourses in Aotearoa/New Zealand.
机译:这篇评论是针对Narcisa Paredes-Canilao的主要论文,该论文对菲律宾大学关于不同知识主张的讨论很有意思。这是一场地方辩论,对土著知识和话语的地位及其与西方理论立场的互动程度产生了全球影响。 Narcisa Paredes-Canilao在这里提出的论点是,某些后殖民理论理论与菲律宾和其他先前殖民国家的后殖民抵抗工作最好无关紧要,最坏情况是破坏性的。她建议,是恢复土著/传统非西方话语才能支持和促进该主题的非殖民化。本文认为这两个立场不必构成分歧。两者都可以提高生产力。尽管迫切需要通过非西方视角来记住和重新构筑过去,但当前的当代殖民形式也必须予以解构并加以回溯。后殖民理论提供了丰富的哲学资源,西方人的故事,本土知识和其他非西方知识形式也可以用这些资源进行思考,讨论和写作。本文最后简要介绍了新西兰Aotearoa的土著研究论述。



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