首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Mineralogical and Petrological Sciences >Amphibolite-facies Metamorphic Rocks Of The Mt. Tenzan Area, Northern Kyushu, Southwest Japan: Correlation With The Higo Metamorphic Rocks

Amphibolite-facies Metamorphic Rocks Of The Mt. Tenzan Area, Northern Kyushu, Southwest Japan: Correlation With The Higo Metamorphic Rocks


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The metamorphic rocks exposed in the Sefuri and Tenzan areas, northwestern Kyushu, are composed mainly of mafic rocks with trace amounts of pelitic, ultramafic and calc-silicate rocks and crystalline limestone occurring as lenses or blocks. These rocks underwent regional metamorphism prior to the Cretaceous intrusive rocks. The metamorphic rocks in the Tenzan area, south of the Sefuri area, underwent amphibolite-facies metamorphism and estimated metamorphic P-T conditions of these rocks reach up to 700 ℃ and 4.0 kbar. On the other hand, the metamorphic conditions in the Sefuri area have been reported to be up to 850 ℃ and 5.5 kbar. The metamorphic P-T-t path of northwestern Kyushu is interpreted as a clockwise trajectory. These P-T conditions and lithological features suggest that the metamorphic rocks of northwestern Kyushu can be correlated with those of the Higo metamorphic terrane, which is thought to be a candidate of the eastern extension of collision zone between the North China and the South China cratons during Late Permian to the Triassic periods.
机译:在九州西北部的Sefuri和Tenzan地区暴露的变质岩主要由镁铁质岩组成,微量的针状,超镁铁质和钙硅酸盐岩以及结晶的石灰石以晶状体或块状存在。这些岩石先于白垩纪侵入岩经历了区域变质作用。 Sefuri地区南部的Tenzan地区的变质岩经历了闪长岩相变质作用,这些变质岩的P-T条件达到700℃和4.0 kbar。另一方面,据报道,Sefuri地区的变质条件高达850℃和5.5 kbar。九州西北部的变质P-T-t路径被解释为顺时针轨迹。这些PT条件和岩性特征表明,九州西北部的变质岩可以与Higo变质地层的那些相关,后者被认为是华北克拉通和华南克拉通碰撞后期向东延伸的候选者。二叠纪至三叠纪。



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