首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Management Development >Dear top management, please don't make me a cynic: intention to sabotage

Dear top management, please don't make me a cynic: intention to sabotage


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Purpose - The conceptualization of service sabotage failed to adequately tap the domain of interest. Phenomena like turnover and service sabotage are difficult to measure and are not suitable for individual-level study. However, "intention" is suitable for individual-level or management-oriented studies. The paper aims to discuss these issues. Design/methodology/approach - A new scale (eight items) to measure the intention to sabotage was developed and tested using a sample of bank (n = 313) and insurance (n = 258) employees in Nigeria. Cynicism and the desire for justice are the roots of sabotage. As such, the inability to stabilize institutionalized work processes and procedures may cause employees to be overcome with the intention to sabotage service, prior to the actual sabotage. Drawing on conservation of resources theory, this paper investigates the impact of employee cynicism on intention to sabotage as moderated by procedural justice. Findings - The analyses suggest that employee cynicism is related to the intention to sabotage, and procedural justice moderates the relationship between employee cynicism and intention to sabotage. The findings endorse the model of interest, and implications of this study for research and practice are discussed. Originality/value - The study differentiated service sabotage from intention to sabotage, and developed and tested a scale to measure the intention to sabotage.
机译:目的-服务破坏的概念化未能充分利用感兴趣的领域。诸如营业额和服务破坏等现象很难衡量,不适合个人学习。但是,“意图”适用于个人水平或面向管理的研究。本文旨在讨论这些问题。设计/方法/方法-使用尼日利亚的银行(n = 313)和保险(n = 258)雇员样本,开发并测试了衡量破坏意图的新量表(八项)。犬儒主义和对正义的渴望是破坏的根源。因此,无法稳定制度化的工作流程和程序可能会导致员工在实际破坏之前被意图破坏服务。借助资源节约理论,本文研究了员工愤世嫉俗对程序正义主持的破坏意图的影响。调查结果-分析表明,员工的愤世嫉俗与破坏意图有关,而程序正义缓解了员工的愤世嫉俗与破坏意图之间的关系。该发现支持感兴趣的模型,并讨论了本研究对研究和实践的意义。原创性/价值-该研究将服务破坏与意图破坏进行了区分,并开发并测试了衡量破坏意图的量表。



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