首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Environmental Management >The U.K. Environmental Change Network Database: An Integrated Information Resource for Long-term Monitoring and Research

The U.K. Environmental Change Network Database: An Integrated Information Resource for Long-term Monitoring and Research


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An integrated approach to information resource development has been adopted by the Environmental Change Network (ECN) to underpin environmental change research and policy requirements within the U.K. This approach views the data management process as an integrated system in order to achieve a smooth flow of data from capture through to access within the short time- scales required, incorporating the necessary quality assurance specifications. ECN is the U.K.'s long-term environmental monitoring programme, established in 1992 to provide comparable, reliable, multi-disciplinary, long- term runs of data on environmental change.
机译:环境变化网络(ECN)已采用一种集成的信息资源开发方法来支持英国范围内的环境变化研究和政策要求。该方法将数据管理过程视为一个集成系统,以实现来自结合必要的质量保证规范,在所需的短时间内捕获并访问。 ECN是英国的一项长期环境监测计划,成立于1992年,旨在提供可比,可靠,多学科,长期的环境变化数据。



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