首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Environmental Management >Assessing Floodplain Regulation in Glen Williams, Ontario, Canada

Assessing Floodplain Regulation in Glen Williams, Ontario, Canada


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Concerns have been expressed about Ontario's floodplain management policy. Specifically, it has been argued that the policy: (1) lacked an effective conceptual and practical basis; (2) did not clarify the issue of jurisdiction over riverine lands; (3) did not come to grips with financial arrangements; (4) provided inadequate enforcement procedures; and, (5) inadequately addressed communications problems. This paper reviews these issues through an examination of the implementation of floodplain land use regulations in Glen Williams, Ontario, Canada. Utilizing a mix of data sources available through the Credit Valley Conservation Authority office, questionnaires administered to floodplain residents and interviews with relevant government officials, the study concludes that despite the continued presence of these concerns, the regulatory process is working reasonably well.
机译:人们对安大略省的洪泛区管理政策表示关注。具体而言,有人认为该政策:(1)缺乏有效的概念和实践基础; (2)没有阐明对河流土地的管辖权问题; (3)没有掌握财务安排; (4)执法程序不完善; (5)未充分解决沟通问题。本文通过对加拿大安大略省格伦威廉姆斯的洪泛区土地使用法规的实施情况的审查,对这些问题进行了回顾。该研究得出结论认为,尽管继续存在这些担忧,但监管流程仍在合理地进行得很好。该信贷机构可通过信贷山谷保护局办公室获得的各种数据源,向洪泛区居民发放的调查表以及与相关政府官员的访谈进行调查。



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