首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Environmental Management >Assessment of manure phosphorus export through turfgrass sod production in Erath County, Texas

Assessment of manure phosphorus export through turfgrass sod production in Erath County, Texas


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A best management practice (BMP) for exporting manure phosphorus (P) in turfgrass sod from the North Bosque River (NBR) watershed in central Texas was assessed using a geographic information system (GIS). The NBR watershed has a mandate to reduce the total annual P load to the NBR by 50% as a result of total maximum daily load regulation. Since dairy waste applications to fields are identified as the major nonpoint source of P to the river, innovative BMPs, such as export of manure P in turfgrass, will be needed to achieve the 50% reduction. However, methods are needed to evaluate the feasibility of these innovative management practices prior to their implementation. A geospatial database of suitable turfgrass production sites was developed for Erath County using GIS. Erath County largely encompasses the upper portion of the NBR watershed. Information from field experiments, production practices, and ground-truthing was used to search, analyze, and verify a geospatial database developed from national and regional sources. The integration and analyses of large databases supports the search by turf producers for sites suitable for turfgrass sod production in Erath County. In addition, GIS enables researchers and regulators to estimate manure P exports and reduced P loading due to implementation of the manure export BMP on a county scale. Under optimal conditions 198,000 kg manure P yr(-1) could be used and 114,840 kg manure P yr(-1) exported from the NBR watershed through implementation of a system using dairy manure to produce turfgrass sod. This is the equivalent of the manure P applied from 10,032 dairy cows yr(-1) and exported from 5808 dairy cows yr(-1). Application of GIs to large-scale planning and decision-making transcends traditional field-scale applications in precision agriculture.
机译:使用地理信息系统(GIS)对从得克萨斯州中北部的北博斯克河(NBR)流域输出草皮草中的磷肥(P)的最佳管理方法(BMP)进行了评估。 NBR流域的一项任务是将总的最大日负荷调节量降低至NBR的年度P负荷总量的50%。由于将奶牛粪便应用于农田已被确定为河流中磷的主要面源,因此需要创新的BMP(例如草皮草中的粪便P的出口)以实现50%的减少。但是,需要在实施这些创新管理方法之前评估其可行性。使用GIS为Erath县开发了适合草皮草生产基地的地理空间数据库。埃拉特县(Erath County)大部分围绕着NBR流域的上部。来自野外实验,生产实践和地面真相的信息用于搜索,分析和验证从国家和地区资源开发的地理空间数据库。大型数据库的集成和分析支持草皮生产者在Erath县搜索适合草皮草生产的站点。此外,由于县级实施了粪便出口BMP,GIS使研究人员和监管者能够估算粪便P的出口量并减少磷的装载量。在最佳条件下,可通过实施使用奶牛粪生产草皮草的系统,从NBR流域输出198,000 kg粪Pyr(-1)和114840kg粪Pyr(-1)。这相当于从10,032头奶牛yr(-1)施加并从5808头奶牛yr(-1)出口的肥料P。地理标志在大规模计划和决策中的应用超越了精确农业中传统的田间规模应用。



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