首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Electronic Commerce in Organizations >Drivers of E-Loyalty in E-Recruitment: The Role of E-Service Quality, E-Satisfaction, and E-Trust in Jordan, an Emerging Market

Drivers of E-Loyalty in E-Recruitment: The Role of E-Service Quality, E-Satisfaction, and E-Trust in Jordan, an Emerging Market


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This paper investigates drivers of e-loyalty in the B2B e-recruitment industry in Jordan, exploring the relationship between e-service quality, e-satisfaction, and e-trust, and the effect of e-satisfaction and e-trust on e-loyalty. An online survey was administered to 400 active business customers listed in an e-recruitment firm in Jordan, of which 139 forms were used. Confirmatory factor analysis was used to assess the research constructs' validity. Structural path analysis was used to test the hypothesized relationships of the proposed research model. The findings show that e-service quality has a positive significant effect on e-satisfaction and e-trust. E-service quality exerted a stronger effect on e-satisfaction than on e-trust. E-satisfaction has a positive significant effect on e-trust and e-loyalty, respectively. Finally, 74% of the variation in e-loyalty was caused by e-trust and e-satisfaction path. Managers in the B2B environments should develop customized marketing campaigns that enhance e-trust in their websites, leading to improved customer loyalty.
机译:本文调查了约旦B2B电子招聘产业中的电子忠诚度的驱动因素,探索了电子服务质量,电子满意度和电子信任之间的关系,以及电子满意度和电子信任对电子的影响忠诚。在约旦的电子招聘公司中列出的400名积极商业客户提供了在线调查,其中使用了139份表格。验证因子分析用于评估研究构建体的有效性。结构路径分析用于测试所提出的研究模型的假设关系。调查结果表明,电子服务质量对电子满意度和电子信任具有积极的显着影响。电子服务质量对E-Supportion的影响更强,而不是电子信任。电子满意度分别对电子信任和电子忠诚度具有积极的显着影响。最后,74%的电子忠诚度变化是由电子信任和电子满意路径引起的。 B2B环境中的管理人员应制定定制的营销活动,以提高其网站的电子信任,从而提高客户忠诚度。



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