首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Economic Literature >Exorbitant Privilege: The Rise and Fall of the Dollar and the Future of the International Monetary System

Exorbitant Privilege: The Rise and Fall of the Dollar and the Future of the International Monetary System


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This slender and pleasant book is a story of the dollar in the world financial system, and an attempt at speculating on the future of the U.S. currency. The book is addressed to a readership that is clearly wider than the academic circles to which Barry Eichengreen is a well-known contributor, and blends historical record, economic analysis, as well as interesting details on the characters that have filled the world financial drama in the past century and a half. Given the potential readership of the book, our author dispenses of algebra altogether and uses only, in the entire volume, a handful of graphs.
机译:这本细长而令人愉悦的书讲述了世界金融体系中美元的故事,也是对美元未来走势的一种尝试。本书面向的读者群体远远超出了巴里•艾兴格林(Barry Eichengreen)著名的学术界,并融合了历史记录,经济分析以及充满世界金融危机的人物的有趣细节。过去的一个半世纪。鉴于本书的潜在读者群,我们的作者完全省略了代数,并且仅在整个卷中使用了少量图表。



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