首页> 外文期刊>Journal of dairy science >ociations Between Casein Haplotypes and First Lactation Mil Production Traits in Finnish Ayrshire Cows

ociations Between Casein Haplotypes and First Lactation Mil Production Traits in Finnish Ayrshire Cows


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The objective of this study was to estimate the effects of fi-K-casein (CN) haplotypes on first-lactation milk production traits. The fiK-CN haplotypes were deduced using information on [β- and K-CN genotypes of cows and their sires for 16,973 Finnish Ayrshire cows that had at least nine paternal half sibs. Effects of CN haplo- types on milk production traits were estimated for one haplotype at a time using an animal model, which in- cluded the fixed effects for calving year and month, age at calving, days open, β-lactoglobulin, and a βdK-CN haplotype. Differences in milk production traits were also estimated between haplotype combinations A_lA+A_2B and A_1B+A_2A within beta-K-CN genotype A_lA+A_2B and between combinations A_1E+A_2A and A_lA+A_2E within genotype A_1A_2AE. The β-K-CN haplo- types A_2A and A_2B were associated with high milk and protein yields and low fat content, and those that in- cluded the beta-CN A1 allele were associated with low yields and high fat content. Protein content was affected by the K-CN locus; haplotype A_1B was associated with high protein content and A_1E was with low protein content. The haplotype combination A_1A+A_2B was asso- ciated with 140 kg more milk yield (P = 0.045) and 0.03 percentage units less protein content (P = 0.055) than combination A_1B+A_2A, and combination A_1A+A_2E showed 0.02 percentage units greater protein content (P = 0.098) than A_1E+A_2A. These results indicate that genes linked to the CN loci contribute to the variation in milk yield and protein content.
机译:这项研究的目的是评估fi-K-酪蛋白(CN)单倍型对初乳产奶性状的影响。 fiK-CN单倍型是根据有关16973头至少有9个父本半同胞的芬兰Ayrshire母牛的[β-和K-CN基因型及其母牛的父亲]的信息推导出来的。使用动物模型,一次评估一种单体型的CN单倍型对产奶性状的影响,其中包括产犊年和月,产犊年龄,开放日,β-乳球蛋白和βdK的固定效应。 -CN单倍型。还估计了β-K-CN基因型A_1A + A_2B内的单倍型组合A_1IA + A_2B和A_1B + A_2A之间以及基因型A_1A_2AE的组合A_1E + A_2A和A_1IA + A_2E之间的牛奶生产性状差异。 β-K-CN单倍型A_2A和A_2B与高牛奶和蛋白质产量以及低脂肪含量相关,而那些包含β-CNA1等位基因的单倍型与低产量和高脂肪含量相关。蛋白质含量受K-CN基因座的影响;单倍型A_1B与高蛋白含量相关,而A_1E与低蛋白含量相关。单倍型组合A_1A + A_2B的产奶量比组合A_1B + A_2A高140公斤(P = 0.045),蛋白质含量低0.03个百分点(P = 0.055),组合A_1A + A_2E组合高蛋白质0.02个百分点含量(P = 0.098)比A_1E + A_2A高。这些结果表明,与CN基因座相关的基因有助于牛奶产量和蛋白质含量的变化。



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