首页> 外文期刊>Journal of dairy science >Increased serum serotonin improves parturient calcium homeostasis in dairy cows

Increased serum serotonin improves parturient calcium homeostasis in dairy cows


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Hypocalcemia in dairy cows is caused by the sudden increase in calcium demand by the mammary gland for milk production at the onset of lactation. Serotonin (5-HT) is a key factor for calcium homeostasis, modulating calcium concentration in blood. Therefore, it is hypothesized that administration of 5-hydroxy-L-tryptophan (5-HTP), a 5-HT precursor, can increase 5-HT concentrations in blood and, in turn, induce an increase in blood calcium concentration. In this study, 20 Holstein dairy cows were randomly assigned to 2 experimental groups. Both groups received a daily i.v. infusion of 1 L of either 0.9% NaCl (C group; n = 10) or 0.9% NaCl containing 1 mg of 5-HTP/kg of BW (5-HTP group, n = 10). Infusions started d 10 before the estimated parturition and ceased the day of parturition, resulting in at least 4 d of infusion (8.37 ± 0.74 d of infusion). Until parturition, blood samples were collected every morning before the infusions, after parturition samples were taken daily until d 7, and a final sample was collected on d 30. Milk yield was recorded during this period. No differences between groups were observed for blood glucose, magnesium, and β-hydroxybutyrate. Cows receiving the 5-HTP infusion showed an increase in fatty acid concentrations from d -3 to -1 before parturition. Serum 5-HT concentrations were increased at d -4 related to parturition until d 5 postpartum in the 5-HTP group compared with the C group. In addition, cows from the 5-HTP group had increased 5-HT concentrations in colostrum, but not in mature milk, on d 7 postpartum. Serum calcium concentrations decreased in both groups around parturition; however, calcium remained higher in the 5-HTP group than in controls, with a significant difference between groups on d 1 (1.62 ± 0.08 vs. 1.93 ± 0.09 mmol/L in control and 5-HTP groups, respectively) and d 2 (1.83 ± 0.06 vs. 2.07 ± 0.07 mmol/L in control and 5-HTP groups, respectively). Additionally, colostrum yield (first milking) was lower in the 5-HTP group compared with the C group, but without consequences on colostrum IgG concentrations. Milk yield did not differ between groups during the rest of the experiment. The study data were consistent with the concept that infusion of 5-HTP to dairy cows increases blood 5-HT concentrations, which in turn is a significant regulatory component in the chain of effectors that affect calcium status around parturition, hence the occurrence of clinical or subclinical hypocalcemia.
机译:奶牛低钙血症是由于泌乳初期乳腺对钙的需求突然增加而引起的。血清素(5-HT)是钙稳态的关键因素,调节血液中的钙浓度。因此,假设施用5-羟基-L-色氨酸(5-HTP)(5-HT前体)可以增加血液中的5-HT浓度,进而引起血液中钙浓度的增加。在这项研究中,将20头荷斯坦奶牛随机分为2个实验组。两组都每天接受一次静脉注射输注1 L的0.9%NaCl(C组; n = 10)或0.9%NaCl,其中含有1 mg 5-HTP / kg BW(5-HTP组,n = 10)。在估计分娩前10天开始输注,在分娩当天停止输注,导致至少4 d输注(8.37±0.74 d输注)。直到分娩前,每天早晨在输液前收集血液样本,每天分娩后直到第7天,并在第30天收集最终样本。在此期间记录牛奶产量。两组之间的血糖,镁和β-羟基丁酸酯没有差异。接受5-HTP输注的母牛在分娩前脂肪酸浓度从d -3增加到-1。与C组相比,5-HTP组在与分娩有关的d -4血清5-HT浓度升高,直到产后d 5。此外,在产后第7天,来自5-HTP组的母牛的初乳中5-HT浓度升高,而在成熟乳中则没有。两组在分娩前后血清钙浓度均下降。然而,5-HTP组的钙仍高于对照组,d 1组之间的差异显着(对照组和5-HTP组分别为1.62±0.08 vs. 1.93±0.09 mmol / L)和d 2(对照组和5-HTP组分别为1.83±0.06和2.07±0.07 mmol / L)。此外,与C组相比,5-HTP组的初乳产量(首次挤奶)较低,但对初乳IgG浓度没有影响。在其余的实验中,两组之间的牛奶产量没有差异。研究数据与以下观点一致:向奶牛输注5-HTP会增加血液中的5-HT浓度,这反过来又是影响分娩前后钙状态的效应子链中的重要调节成分,因此在临床上发生亚临床低钙血症。



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