首页> 外文期刊>Journal of dairy science >Short communication: Circulating serotonin is related to the metabolic status and lactational performance at the onset of lactation in dairy cows

Short communication: Circulating serotonin is related to the metabolic status and lactational performance at the onset of lactation in dairy cows


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Serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine, 5-HT) affects many physiological functions because it is involved in glucose and lipid metabolism, calcium homeostasis, and regulation of lactation in dairy cows. This study aimed to examine physiological differences in serum 5-HT concentrations (high vs. low) and their association with metabolic status and milk production at the onset of lactation. Twelve multiparous Holstein dairy cows were milked within 4 h of calving, and blood and milk samples were collected at the first 6 subsequent milkings after parturition and at the evening milkings on d 5, 8, 10, and 14. Cows were retrospectively divided into 2 groups (6 cows/group): low serum 5-HT (LSS) and high serum 5-HT (HSS) according to their calculated areas under the curve (AUC) for serum 5-HT for the entire experimental period (cut-off: 46,000 ng/mL x 324 h). Concentrations of 5-HT, free fatty acids (FFA), beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHB), glucose, calcium, and IGF-1 were measured in blood. Milk was analyzed for fat, protein, lactose, and 5-HT concentrations. Milk yield was recorded at each milking and energy-corrected milk yield was calculated. Serum 5-HT concentrations were higher in HSS than in LSS [AUC (ng/mL x 324 h): 57,830 +/- 4,810 vs. 25,005 +/- 5,930]. The amount of energy-corrected milk was lower in HSS than in LSS. The HSS group produced less colostrum and had decreased milk yield, specifically during the first 6 milking. Concentrations of FFA, BHB, and glucose in plasma did not differ between groups. Concentrations of IGF-1 in serum were elevated in IBS compared with LSS throughout the experiment. Total circulating calcium concentrations in serum tended to be higher in HSS than in LSS. Milk fat and protein yields were decreased in IBS compared with LSS. Milk 5-HT decreased over-all during the experimental period, with LSS. maintaining higher 5-HT concentrations than HSS until d 14 of lactation. In conclusion, cows with high serum 5-HT concentrations showed a reduced metabolic load at the onset of lactation, concomitantly lower milk yield, and a reduced energy output via milk.
机译:5-羟色胺(5-羟色胺,5-HT)会影响许多生理功能,因为它与葡萄糖和脂质代谢,钙稳态和乳牛泌乳的调节有关。这项研究旨在检查泌乳期血清5-HT浓度(高与低)的生理差异及其与代谢状态和产奶量的关系。在产犊后4小时内对12头荷斯坦奶牛进行挤奶,在分娩后的前6次挤奶以及第5、8、10和14天晚上的挤奶中收集血液和牛奶样品。组(每组6头母牛):根据整个实验期内血清5-HT的曲线下面积(AUC)计算得出的低血清5-HT(LSS)和高血清5-HT(HSS)(截止:46,000 ng / mL x 324小时)。测量血液中5-HT,游离脂肪酸(FFA),β-羟基丁酸酯(BHB),葡萄糖,钙和IGF-1的浓度。分析牛奶中的脂肪,蛋白质,乳糖和5-HT浓度。在每次挤奶时记录产奶量,并计算能量校正后的产奶量。 HSS的血清5-HT浓度高于LSS [AUC(ng / mL x 324 h):57,830 +/- 4,810对25,005 +/- 5,930]。 HSS中的能量校正乳量低于LSS。 HSS组产生的初乳较少,且产奶量下降,特别是在前6次挤奶期间。两组之间血浆中FFA,BHB和葡萄糖的浓度没有差异。在整个实验过程中,与LSS相比,IBS中血清IGF-1的浓度升高。 HSS的血清总循环钙浓度往往高于LSS。与LSS相比,IBS中的乳脂和蛋白质产量降低。使用LSS期间,牛奶5-HT总体上下降了。在哺乳第14天之前,维持高于HSS的5-HT浓度。总之,高血清5-HT浓度的奶牛在泌乳初期表现出降低的代谢负荷,随之而来的是较低的产奶量,以及通过乳汁输出的能量。



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