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Female Genital Mutilation in the UK Population: A Serious Crime


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This article considers the definition of female genital mutilation (FGM) in the context of United Nations work which aims to end this practice. The piece focuses on the prevalence of FGM in the UK and on legal provisions outlawing cutting in England and Wales. It argues that FGM is now relatively commonplace in the UK and ends with a call for greater public education about FGM and better support for survivors of mutilation. The article begins by looking at international ideas about FGM, drawing on knowledge from UNICEF and considering the realities of the practices carried out on young girls. It is acknowledged that there is a risk of alienating traditions that value cutting, inherent in the western view of FGM as child abuse. Nevertheless, the article argues that FGM must be eradicated. A review of information on the prevalence of FGM in UK populations follows, showing that there are many thousands of women and girl survivors now resident in Britain. FGM has been a criminal offence in England and Wales since the Prohibition of Female Circumcision Act 1985. However this legislation proved impractical and it has now been replaced by a Female Genital Mutilation Act in 2003 and that, in turn, is now amended by the Serious Crime Act 2015. An outline of the newer legislations suggests that there are signs of usefulness within the latest amendments. However the article ends with some warnings about the risks of criminalisation without appropriate levels of support and public discussion.
机译:本文在旨在结束这种习俗的联合国工作中考虑了女性外阴残割的定义。该文章重点讨论了英国女性生殖器切割的盛行以及英格兰和威尔士禁止切割的法律规定。它辩称,女性生殖器残割在英国现在相对司空见惯,其结果是呼吁加强对女性生殖器残割的公众教育,并为残割幸存者提供更好的支持。本文首先从国际上对女性外阴残割的想法出发,借鉴联合国儿童基金会的知识并考虑对年轻女性进行的习俗的现实情况。公认的是,有可能疏远重视切割的传统,这在西方将女性生殖器残割视为虐待儿童的观点中是固有的。但是,该文章认为必须根除女性生殖器切割。随后,对英国人口中女性外阴残割率的信息进行了回顾,结果表明,现在有数千名女性和女孩幸存者居住在英国。自1985年《禁止女性割礼法》以来,在英国和威尔士,女性外阴残割已成为刑事犯罪。然而,该立法被证明是不切实际的,现在已由2003年的《女性生殖器官残割法》取代,而现在,《残割女性生殖器官法》对此进行了修订。 《 2015年犯罪法》(Criminal Act 2015)。较新的立法概述表明,最新修正案中有有用的迹象。但是,本文在未获得适当程度的支持和公众讨论的情况下,以警告方式将犯罪定为风险。



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