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Reclaiming Public Ownership: Making Space for Economic Democracy


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Andrew Cumbers, professor at the School of Geographical and Earth Sciences (University of Glasgow), engages with questions of changing the current mode of production: (late) capitalism. He agrees with challengers of global capitalism-Evo Morales and Hugo Chavez-'that current global inequalities and injustices are brought about as much by the appropriation of economic decision-making by elite groups as by distributional outcomes' which makes a policy 'beyond social democrat and centre-left concerns' necessary (p. 5). Acknowledging that 'the quest for democracy means nothing if it does not include the ability to participate in the key decisions of economic life', Cumbers' book addresses 'some hard questions about what type and forms of public ownership are relevant in the context of the global economy today' (p. 5). A challenge like that commands admiration. In the course of his book, Cumbers takes issue with several authors. He himself presents public ownership 'in its broadest sense as encapsulating all those attempts, both outside and throug1h the state, to create forms of collective ownership in opposition to, or perhaps more accurately to reclaim economic space from, capitalist social relations' (p. 7). After engaging with anti-capitalist authors who are very sceptical of the state being able to change the capitalist status quo (i.e. Hardt, Negri and Holloway), he stresses the importance of moving 'from the micro cracks-the autonomous spaces-that are emerging in the interstices of capitalism to something that begins to join up these cracks' (p. 135). Cumbers departs from post-war experiences of public ownership and the neoliberal 'onslaught' against them, and describes the current financial crisis, when public ownership came back on the agenda. Chapters on public ownership and an alternative political economy in Latin America and 'alternative globalizations and the discourse of the commons' discuss alternative paths. The final part focuses on 'remaking public ownership' with examples of Norway and Denmark.
机译:格拉斯哥大学地理与地球科学学院教授安德鲁·坎伯斯(Andrew Cumbers)提出了有关改变当前生产方式的问题:(晚期)资本主义。他同意全球资本主义的挑战者-埃沃·莫拉莱斯(Evo Morales)和雨果·查韦斯(Hugo Chavez)的观点。和左中角的担忧是必要的(第5页)。坎伯斯承认“对民主的追求,如果它不包括参与经济生活的关键决定的能力,那将毫无意义”,坎伯斯的书解决了“关于在何种情况下与公有制相关的一些难题”今天的全球经济”(第5页)。这样的挑战令人钦佩。在他的书中,坎伯斯与几位作者合影。他本人提出了公有制,``从最广泛的意义上讲,它囊括了所有企图在国家外部和国家范围内进行的所有企图,以形成集体所有制形式,以反对或可能更准确地从资本主义社会关系中夺回经济空间''(p。 7)。在与非常怀疑国家能否改变资本主义现状的反资本主义作家(即哈特,内格里和霍洛韦)接触后,他强调了摆脱“正在出现的微观裂缝-自治空间”的重要性。在资本主义的缝隙中,某种东西开始与这些裂缝联系在一起(第135页)。坎伯脱离了战后的公有制经历和对他们的新自由主义“缠身”,并描述了当公有制重新回到议程上时的当前金融危机。关于拉丁美洲的公有制和替代性政治经济学以及“替代性全球化和公地话语”的章节讨论了替代性途径。最后一部分着重于“重塑公有制”,并以挪威和丹麦为例。



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