首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Clinical Pathology >Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology Of Papillary Lesions Of The Breast: How Accurate Is The Diagnosis?

Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology Of Papillary Lesions Of The Breast: How Accurate Is The Diagnosis?


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Background: Cytological diagnosis of mammary papillary lesions is difficult. Aim: To review the previous cytology diagnosis of 23 papillomas and 11 papillary carcinomas and specific cytological features that may assist in differentiating these entities. Methods: The cytology preparations were reviewed for: (i) overall cellularity; (ii) epithelial cell ball devoid of fibrovascular cores; (iii) background single cells; and (iv) papillary fragments and their morphology. Results: The overall diagnostic accuracy was 59%, atypical rate was 24%, and the error (combined false positive and negative) rate was 17%. For overall cellularity, 6, 14 and 3 cases of papillomas, and 6, 3 and 2 cases of papillary carcinomas showed low, moderate and high cellularity, respectively. Cell balls were present in mild to moderate number in 20 papillomas and 10 papillary carcinomas. The background single cells were absent, or present in low or moderate to high numbers in 7, 10 and 6 papillomas, and 3, 3 and 5 papillary carcinomas, respectively. Papillary fragments were absent, or present in small, moderate or large quantities in 9, 4, 8 and 2 papillomas, and 6, 3, 1 and 1 papillary carcinomas, respectively. There was no demonstrable quantitative difference between papilloma and papillary carcinoma for all these parameters. Qualitatively, the cell balls and single cells showed a higher degree of atypia in papillary carcinoma, and the papillary fragments were more elaborate and slender. Conclusion: Cytological diagnosis of papillary lesions shows a significant error rate with overlapping features. Cellular atypia and fragments with long and slender papillae with ramifying edges favour papillary carcinoma.
机译:背景:乳腺乳头状病变的细胞学诊断很困难。目的:回顾先前对23例乳头状瘤和11例乳头状癌的细胞学诊断,以及可能有助于区分这些实体的特定细胞学特征。方法:对细胞学制剂进行了以下方面的审查: (ii)缺乏纤维血管核心的上皮细胞球; (iii)背景单细胞; (iv)乳头碎片及其形态。结果:总体诊断准确性为59%,非典型率为24%,错误(假阳性和阴性合并)率为17%。就总体细胞性而言,分别有6例,14例和3例乳头状瘤,6例,3例和2例乳头状癌表现出低,中和高细胞性。在20个乳头状瘤和10个乳头状癌中,细胞球呈轻度至中度数量存在。分别在7、10和6个乳头状瘤以及3、3和5个乳头状癌中不存在本底单细胞,或以低或中至高数量存在。分别在9、4、8和2个乳头状瘤以及6、3、1和1个乳头状癌中不存在乳头状碎片,或少量,中等或大量存在。对于所有这些参数,乳头状瘤和乳头状癌之间没有明显的定量差异。定性地,在乳头状癌中,细胞球和单细胞显示出更高的非典型性,并且乳头碎片更加精细和细长。结论:乳头状病变的细胞学诊断具有明显的错误率和重叠特征。细胞异型性和具有长而细长的乳头和具分枝边缘的碎片有利于乳头状癌。



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