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Product-services as a research field: past, present and future. Reflections from a decade of research


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In the last decade many researchers, institutes and programs in the EU paid attention to product-service systems (PSS). Given this massive effort, it is time to take stock. Is PSS research a theoretical field in its own right? Is the PSS concept indeed the road to the Factor 10 world? Is it the road to enhanced competitiveness? What is needed to really use the potential of the concept? This paper discusses these questions summarizing the analysis done in the PSS review book 'New Business for Old Europe', various EU sponsored projects and the conceptual approach chosen in a new research network on Sustainable Consumption and Production, called SCORE!
机译:在过去的十年中,欧盟的许多研究人员,研究所和计划都对产品服务系统(PSS)给予了关注。付出了巨大的努力,现在该进行评估了。 PSS研究本身就是理论领域吗? PSS概念确实是通向因子10世界的道路吗?这是增强竞争力的道路吗?真正利用这一概念的潜力需要什么?本文讨论了这些问题,总结了PSS评论书“旧欧洲的新业务”中所做的分析,各种欧盟资助的项目以及在名为SCORE的可持续消费与生产新研究网络中选择的概念方法!



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