首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Cleaner Production >Exploring the influence of institutional pressures and production capability on the environmental practices - Environmental performance relationship in advanced and developing economies

Exploring the influence of institutional pressures and production capability on the environmental practices - Environmental performance relationship in advanced and developing economies


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This paper investigates the influence of advanced and developing economies on the adoption of environmental practices and the influence of those environmental practices on environmental performance. Furthermore, production capability is investigated as a conditional effect on the relationship between environmental practices and environmental performance. Specifically, using a sample of approximately 450 globally located manufacturing plants, the Resource Based View (RBV), Practice Based View (PBV) and Institutional theory were utilized to develop and test a set of hypotheses surrounding how economy influences the neoteric engagement of environmental practices. Data envelopment analysis was utilized to assign production capability scores to these manufacturing plants and then conditional process modeling was used to assess the relationships among type of economy, level of production capability, adoption of environmental practices and environmental performance. The study finds that there is a stronger positive relationship between developing economies and the neoteric adoption of environmental practices as compared to advanced economies. Results also show higher degrees of production capability had a mixed effect on the relationship between environmental practices and environmental performance. The results draw attention to how PBV and RBV may work together to inform how practices affect performance and how production capability reacts uniquely with environmental practices with different strategic foci. This study is one of the first to address the interplay between type of economy and engagement in environmental practices. (C) 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:本文研究了发达经济体和发展中经济体对采用环境实践的影响以及这些环境实践对环境绩效的影响。此外,研究生产能力是对环境实践与环境绩效之间关系的条件性影响。具体而言,通过对全球约450家制造工厂的抽样,基于资源的观点(RBV),基于实践的观点(PBV)和制度理论被用于开发和检验一系列假设,这些假设围绕经济如何影响现代环境实践的影响。数据包络分析用于为这些制造工厂分配生产能力得分,然后使用条件过程建模来评估经济类型,生产能力水平,采用环境实践和环境绩效之间的关系。该研究发现,与发达经济体相比,发展中经济体与现代采用环境实践之间存在更强的积极关系。结果还表明,更高程度的生产能力对环境实践与环境绩效之间的关系产生了不同的影响。结果引起人们对PBV和RBV如何一起工作以告知实践如何影响绩效以及生产能力如何与具有不同战略重点的环境实践的独特反应的关注。这项研究是第一个研究经济类型与参与环境实践之间相互作用的研究之一。 (C)2018 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。



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