首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Biocommunication >Jan Wandelaar, Bernard Siegfried Albinus and an Indian Rhinoceros Named Clara Set High Standards as the Process of Anatomical Illustration Entered a New Phase of Precision, Artistic Beauty, and Marketing in the 18th Century

Jan Wandelaar, Bernard Siegfried Albinus and an Indian Rhinoceros Named Clara Set High Standards as the Process of Anatomical Illustration Entered a New Phase of Precision, Artistic Beauty, and Marketing in the 18th Century

机译:扬·旺德拉(Jan Wandelaar),伯纳德·西格弗里德·阿尔比努斯(Bernard Siegfried Albinus)和印度犀牛命名为克拉拉(Clara)设定了高标准,因为解剖插图的过程进入了18世纪精确,艺术美和营销的新阶段

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In the 1700s, the geographical centre for anatomical research and teaching shifted from the Italian schools to universities in the Netherlands (Cazort 1996). During this period, Jan Wandelaar (1690-1759), artist, and Bernhard Siegfried Albinus (1697-1770), chair of Anatomy and Surgery, formed a unique and highly successful artist-anatomist partnership at the University of Leiden. The transfer of knowledge between the two men flourished during a period of Enlightenment ideals, the availability of cadavers for dissection and comparison, and high-quality copperplate engraving.
机译:在1700年代,解剖学研究和教学的地理中心从意大利的学校转移到了荷兰的大学(Cazort 1996)。在此期间,艺术家Jan Wandelaar(1690-1759)和解剖与外科主任Bernhard Siegfried Albinus(1697-1770)在莱顿大学建立了独特而成功的艺术家-解剖学家合作关系。在启蒙运动的理想时期,剖析和比较的尸体可用性以及高质量的铜版雕刻时期,这两个人之间的知识传播得到了蓬勃发展。




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