首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Asian earth sciences >Oxidation zonation within the Emeishan large igneous province: Evidence from mantle-derived syenitic plutons

Oxidation zonation within the Emeishan large igneous province: Evidence from mantle-derived syenitic plutons


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The mantle-derived felsic plutonic rocks of the Emeishan large igneous province consist of peralkaline and metaluminous varieties. The peralkaline rocks appear to be formed by fractional crystallization of mafic magmas whereas the metaluminous plutonic rocks appear to be derived by partial melting of underplated mafic rocks. The metaluminous Woshui pluton is 259.6 ± 0.5 Ma and contains alkali feldspar, clinopyroxene, magnesiohornblende, titanite, magnetite and quartz and was relatively volatile- and trace element-rich and had an initial magmatic temperature of ~720 ℃ + 2σ 2σ. The metaluminous Huangcao pluton is slightly younger (258.9 + 0.7 Ma), contains alkali feldspar, fayalite, ferrosillite, ferrohornblende, quartz, magnetite and ferrohedenbergite, is volatile-poor and likely had higher magmatic temperatures (≥850 ℃). The mineral assemblages and trace element compositions (i.e. Eu/Eu' > 1, high V/Sc, high V/ Ga) suggest relatively oxidizing magmatic conditions (i.e.fO_2 > 0 FMQ) for the two plutons. The primary chemical differences between the two plutons are their volatile content and source fertility. Neighboring the metaluminous plutons is a peralkaline pluton which also shows evidence for relatively oxidizing magmatic conditions whereas other mantle-derived granitic plutons to the north and south show evi-dence for reducing conditions. The syenitic magmas within the central part of the Panxi region were likely oxidized due to variability of the oxidation state of the original source material and therefore the region may represent an 'oxidized zone' within the Emeishan large igneous province.
机译:峨眉山火成岩大省的地幔衍生的长英质岩浆岩由高碱性和含金属的种类组成。高碱性岩石似乎是由镁铁质岩浆的分步结晶形成的,而金属质的深部岩屑似乎是由未完全覆盖的镁铁质岩的部分融化而形成的。沃水金属矿体为259.6±0.5 Ma,含有碱性长石,斜辉石,镁硅角闪石,钛矿,磁铁矿和石英,并且挥发性和微量元素相对丰富,初始岩浆温度约为720℃+2σ2σ。含金属的黄草岩体稍年轻(258.9 + 0.7 Ma),含有碱金属长石,铁橄榄石,硅铁石,铁角闪石,石英,磁铁矿和铁锰铁矿,易挥发,岩浆温度较高(≥850℃)。矿物组成和微量元素组成(即Eu / Eu'> 1,高V / Sc,高V / Ga)表明两种轻子具有相对氧化的岩浆条件(即fO_2> 0 FMQ)。两种胶体之间的主要化学差异是其挥发性成分和来源的肥力。邻近金属铝质的是高碱性岩浆,它也显示出岩浆条件相对氧化的证据,而北部和南部的其他源自地幔的花岗岩岩浆显示出了还原条件的证据。由于原始原料的氧化态的变化,攀西地区中部的浆状岩浆很可能被氧化,因此该地区可能代表了峨眉山大火成岩省内的一个“氧化带”。



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