首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Asian earth sciences >Intra-platform tectono-sedimentary response to geodynamic transition along the margin of the Tarim Basin, NW China

Intra-platform tectono-sedimentary response to geodynamic transition along the margin of the Tarim Basin, NW China


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The Tarim Basin has experienced three tectonic evolutionary phases from the Cambrian to Ordovician: (1) Regional extension from the late Neoproterozoic to Mid-Early Cambrian, (2) Relatively weak regional compression from the Late Cambrian to Mid-Early Ordovician, and (3) Regional compression during the Late Ordovician. Intra-platform tectonic and sedimentary characteristics indicate a clear linkage to the tectonic evolution of the basin margin during early Paleozoic time. During the Cambrian, small intra-platform rift-related depressions formed during an extensional setting. During the Mid-Early Ordovician, a transition from extension to compression caused formation of the Tazhong and Tabei paleo-uplifts and major unconformities T_7~4 (base of the Late Ordovician). The evolving paleo-geomorphology led to differentiation of sedimentary fades, and numerous intra-platform shoals formed during deposition of the Early Ordovician Yingshan Formation. During the Late Ordovician, regional compression began, which changed the platform margin slopes into four slopes that surrounded the three isolated island uplifts of Tabei, Tazhong, and Tangnan in the Late Ordovician. Simultaneously, the basin margin dynamic conditions also changed the relative sea level and filling pattern of the basin. In the Early and Middle Cambrian, the Tarim Basin mainly developed a progradational ramp-type platform due to relative sea level fall. From the Late Cambrian to Early Ordovician the relative sea level began to rise, resulting in an aggradational-retrograding rimmed margins-type platform. In the Late Ordovician, along with a further rise in relative sea level, the basin mainly developed isolated platform.
机译:塔里木盆地经历了从寒武纪到奥陶纪的三个构造演化阶段:(1)从新元古代晚期到中早寒武纪的区域扩展,(2)从寒武纪晚期到早奥陶纪的区域压缩相对较弱,和(3 )奥陶纪晚期的区域压缩。平台内的构造和沉积特征表明在古生代早期与盆地边缘的构造演化有明确的联系。在寒武纪期间,在伸展背景下形成了与台内裂谷有关的小型凹陷。在早奥陶纪期间,从伸展到压缩的过渡导致了塔中和塔北古隆起的形成以及主要不整合面T_7〜4(晚奥陶纪的基底)。不断演变的古地貌形态导致了沉积物衰落的分化,并在奥陶纪早莺山组沉积过程中形成了许多台内浅滩。在奥陶纪晚期,区域压缩开始,将台地边缘斜坡变成四个斜坡,包围了奥陶纪晚期塔贝,塔中和唐南三个孤立的岛隆起。同时,流域边缘动态条件也改变了流域的相对海平面和充填方式。在寒武纪的早期和中期,由于相对海平面下降,塔里木盆地主要发育了渐进性斜坡型台地。从寒武纪晚期到奥陶纪早期,相对海平面开始上升,导致了边缘向边缘型的退化。在奥陶纪晚期,随着相对海平面的进一步升高,该盆地主要发育了孤立的平台。



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