首页> 外文期刊>Journal of arid environments >Mathematical modelling of effects of Irawan irrigation project water abstractions on the Murzuq aquifer systems in Libya

Mathematical modelling of effects of Irawan irrigation project water abstractions on the Murzuq aquifer systems in Libya


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The Murzuq basin in southwest Libya contains some of the main aquifers providing water for meeting the various water demands in the country. In particular, the Murzuq basin serves a number of irrigation agricultural development projects, including the large-scale Irawan Agricultural project. However, despite its strategic significance for the overall water balance in the country, very limited studies have been undertaken on the Murzuq to determine the long term impacts of the extensive water abstractions taking place in the basin. The aim of this study was to develop and apply a modular finite-difference groundwater flow (MODFLOW) model of the Murzuq. Extensive validation of the model showed it to be capable of adequately reproducing historic water levels within the aquifer. The validated transient model was then used to assess the impacts of medium and long-term water abstractions at Irawan on the piezometric levels in the aquifer. The results show that, with current farming practices at Irawan, the piezometric surface in the centre of the field closest to the cluster of the pumping wells will stabilize in year 2033 at 470 m.a.s.l., representing a maximum drawdown of 30 m. Further significant depression may not occur unless agricultural practices change, such as through an increase in the area cultivated or change in crops grown.
机译:利比亚西南部的穆尔祖格(Murzuq)盆地拥有一些主要的含水层,可以满足该国的各种用水需求。特别是,Murzuq盆地为许多灌溉农业发展项目提供服务,包括大型的爱侣湾农业项目。但是,尽管它对于该国的总体水平衡具有战略意义,但对穆尔祖克河进行的研究非常有限,无法确定流域内大量取水的长期影响。这项研究的目的是开发和应用Murzuq的模块化有限差分地下水流(MODFLOW)模型。对模型的广泛验证表明,它能够充分再现含水层中的历史水位。经过验证的瞬态模型然后用于评估爱侣湾中长期取水对含水层中测压水位的影响。结果表明,按照爱侣湾目前的耕作方式,最靠近抽水井群的田间中心的测压表面将在2033年稳定在470 m.a.s.l.,最大压降为30 m。除非改变耕作方式,例如增加耕种面积或改变农作物,否则可能不会进一步造成严重的萧条。



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