首页> 外文期刊>Journal of arid environments >Assessment of mangrove vegetation on Abu Minqar Island of the Red Sea

Assessment of mangrove vegetation on Abu Minqar Island of the Red Sea


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The island of Abu Minqar is located near the mouth of the Gulf of Suez of the Red Sea and it is the only island in the area with rich stands of Avicennia marina mangrove. The island is highly vulnerable to damage from pollution associated with coastal activities, massive tourism development and hotel constructions along the coast of Al Ghardaqa. High resolution QuikBird satellite images were used for mapping the mangrove vegetation on the island and to establish a baseline database for future monitoring of the changes of the mangrove habitat on the island. The current total area of the mangrove vegetation on the island is 28.54 hectares (21% of the total area of the island) and is made of a single species of mangrove Avicennia marina.
机译:阿布明加尔(Abu Minqar)岛位于红海苏伊士湾(Soez)的河口附近,它是该地区唯一拥有丰富的Avicennia滨海红树林的小岛。该岛极易受到沿海活动,大规模旅游业开发和Al Ghardaqa海岸酒店建设相关污染的损害。高分辨率的QuikBird卫星图像用于绘制岛上的红树林植被图,并建立基线数据库,以便将来监视岛上的红树林栖息地的变化。该岛上目前的红树林植被总面积为28.54公顷(占该岛总面积的21%),由单一种类的红树林Avicennia码头制成。



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