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'A place is a sudden gap ...'


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Introduction to the general Theory of Place (Wprowadzenie do ogolnej Teorii Miejsca, 1966), announced at the Symposium of Artists and Scientists in Putawy, was a founding text for the Foksal Gallery established in a small space in Foksal Street in Warsaw by a trio of art critics, Wiestaw Borowski, Anka Ptaszkowska and Mariusz Tchorek. Written by Mariusz Tchorek, the text positioned the place of exhibition as pivotal to art and its practice. In this text, place was conceptualised as a condition ofrncoming into contact with the work of art in a public situation, but it also constituted 'a sudden gap in the utilitarian approach to the world', a site for questioning art, the critical 'where' of the artwork and its conceptual and institutional context.
机译:在普特维的艺术家和科学家专题讨论会上宣布的一般性场所理论导论(Wprowadzenie do ogolnej Teorii Miejsca,1966年)是由三人组成的在华沙Foksal街的一个小空间中建立的Foksal画廊的创始文本。艺术评论家Wiestaw Borowski,Anka Ptaszkowska和Mariusz Tchorek。文字由Mariusz Tchorek撰写,将展览场所定位为对艺术及其实践至关重要的地方。在本文中,场所被概念化为在公共场合下与艺术品接触的条件,但它也构成了“对世界的功利主义方法的突然空白”,一个质疑艺术的场所,关键的“地方”。艺术品及其概念和制度背景。



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