首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Air Traffic Control >Safety and Efficiency Improves with CPDLC in Place Over Canadian Domestic Airspace

Safety and Efficiency Improves with CPDLC in Place Over Canadian Domestic Airspace


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The phrase, "say again" is used less often between air traffic controllers and pilots flying at high altitudes in Canadian domestic airspace. NAV CANADA, Canada's privatized civil air navigation service provider, has successfully implemented Controller Pilot Data Link Communications (CPDLC) above FL 290 in six of its seven domestic flight information regions (FIR) as this article goes to print. Implementation for the Toronto FIR is due to complete the domestic rollout in early 2014. CPDLC enables controllers in area control centres (ACC), and pilots in the cockpits, to communicate via data link or text-based messages instead of voice. Communications can include altitude, speed, and route clearances; change requests; frequency assignments; or any related air traffic service information.
机译:在加拿大国内领空中,空中交通管制员和高空飞行的飞行员之间很少使用“再说一次”一词。加拿大的私有民航导航服务提供商NAV CANADA已在其七个国内飞行信息区域(FIR)中的六个中成功地在FL 290之上成功实施了控制器飞行员数据链路通信(CPDLC)。多伦多FIR的实施将于2014年初完成在国内的部署。CPDLC使区域控制中心(ACC)中的控制器和驾驶舱中的飞行员能够通过数据链接或基于文本的消息(而非语音)进行通信。通信可以包括高度,速度和路线许可;变更要求;频率分配;或任何相关的空中交通服务信息。



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