首页> 外文期刊>Iranian Journal of Science and Technology. Transaction A, Science >Trees with Double Roman Domination Number Twice the Domination Number Plus Two

Trees with Double Roman Domination Number Twice the Domination Number Plus Two


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A double Roman dominating function (DRDF) on a graph G=(V,E) is a function f:V(G){0,1,2,3} such that (i) every vertex v with f(v)=0 is adjacent to at least two vertices assigned a 2 or to at least one vertex assigned a 3, (ii) every vertex v with f(v)=1 is adjacent to at least one vertex w with f(w)2. The weight of a DRDF is the sum of its function values over all vertices. The double Roman domination number dR(G) equals the minimum weight of a double Roman dominating function on G. Beeler, Haynes and Hedetniemi showed that for every non-trivial tree T, dR(T)2(T)+1, where (T) is the domination number of T. A characterization of extremal trees attaining this bound was given by three of us. In this paper, we characterize all trees T with dR(T)=2(T)+2.
机译:图G =(V,E)上的双罗曼支配函数(DRDF)是函数f:V(G){0,1,2,3},这样(i)每个具有v(v)=的顶点v 0与分配给2的至少两个顶点或分配给3的至少一个顶点相邻,(ii)每个具有f(v)= 1的顶点v与具有f(w)2的至少一个顶点w相邻。 DRDF的权重是其在所有顶点上的函数值之和。双重罗马统治数dR(G)等于G上双重罗马统治函数的最小权重。Beeler,Haynes和Hedetniemi表明,对于每个非平凡树T,dR(T)2(T)+1,其中( T)是T的支配数。我们三个人给出了达到此界限的极树的表征。在本文中,我们用dR(T)= 2(T)+2来表征所有树T。



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