首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Mining, Reclamation and Environment >Evaluation of ore transport options from Kwesi Mensah Shaft to the mill at the Obuasi mine

Evaluation of ore transport options from Kwesi Mensah Shaft to the mill at the Obuasi mine

机译:评估从Kwesi Mensah竖井到Obuasi矿山的矿石运输方案

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This article illustrates the application of the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) to evaluate surface ore transport options for the underground mine at AngloGold Ashanti's Obuasi mine in Ghana. The mine currently transports about 175,000 tpm of ore from four shafts to the mill using contractor trucking. The mine's current business plan requires the underground ore production to be increased from 175,000 to 220,000 tpm. The extra tonnage is to feed the new tailings sulphide plant, located adjacent to the existing mill. This change necessitated a review of ore transport options between the Kwesi Mensah Shaft and the mill. The four options that were considered are the continued use of contractor trucking, purchasing mine-owned trucks and using surface or underground conveyors. The evaluation criteria were categorised under the broad areas of economic, environmental and technical criteria. Since multiple options and criteria had to be evaluated simultaneously, it was appropriate to use the AHP for the selection process. Five experts on the mine participated in the evaluation exercise which revealed that surface conveyors were the most-favoured option. This is the first time that a more structured approach has been used successfully for equipment selection at Obuasi mine and there is adequate scope for future use of the AHP technique on the mine in mine planning or equipment selection.
机译:本文说明了层次分析法(AHP)在评估AngloGold Ashanti的Obuasi矿在加纳的地下矿山的露天矿石运输选择方案中的应用。该矿场目前使用承包商卡车从四个竖井将约175,000 tpm的矿石运输到工厂。该矿山目前的业务计划要求将地下矿石产量从175,000 tpm增加到220,000 tpm。额外的吨位将用于喂养新的尾矿硫化厂,该厂毗邻现有工厂。这一变化使得有必要对Kwesi Mensah竖井和工厂之间的矿石运输选择进行审查。考虑的四个选择是继续使用承包商的卡车,购买矿用卡车以及使用地面或地下输送机。评价标准根据经济,环境和技术标准的广泛领域进行分类。由于必须同时评估多个选项和标准,因此在选择过程中应使用AHP。五名矿山专家参加了评估工作,评估工作表明地面输送机是最受青睐的选择。这是第一次在Obuasi矿山中成功地将一种结构化方法成功地用于设备选型,并且有足够的空间供AHP技术将来在矿山规划或设备选型中使用。



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