
Privacy and data protection laws in India


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Article 21 of the Indian Constitution states: "no person shall be deprived of his life or personal liberty except according to procedure established by law". The objective of this fundamental right is to prevent encroachment upon personal liberty and deprivation of life except according to procedure established by law. Although 'protection of right to privacy, property and data' is not specified in the article, the Supreme Court of India interprets and includes it under 'personal liberty'. The IT Act of 2000 was introduced to enact growth of electronic based transactions, to provide legal recognition for e-commerce and e-transactions, to facilitate e-governance, to prevent computer based crimes and ensure security practices and procedures in the use of information technology globally. Yet, India has become technologically neutral due to adoption of electronic signatures as a legally valid mode of executing signatures. The article discusses the increased significance of electronic and digital media, including requirements on copyright owners to pay greater attention to electronic and digital rights issues. In comparison to laws of developed nations, since India's laws require that data be defined based on utility and importance, the article recommends changes to rules related to data extraction, protection and destruction, as well as business safeguard policies and maintenance of compliance obligations.
机译:《印度宪法》第21条规定:“除非依照法律规定的程序,否则任何人都不得被剥夺生命或人身自由”。这项基本权利的目的是防止侵犯个人自由和剥夺生命,除非依照法律规定的程序。尽管该条款未具体说明“保护隐私权,财产权和数据权”,但印度最高法院将其解释为“人身自由”。引入了2000年《 IT法案》,以促进基于电子的交易的增长,以提供对电子商务和电子交易的法律认可,促进电子政务,防止基于计算机的犯罪并确保信息使用中的安全做法和程序全球技术。但是,由于采用了电子签名作为执行签名的合法合法模式,印度在技术上已经变得中立。本文讨论了电子和数字媒体日益重要的意义,包括要求版权所有者更多地关注电子和数字版权问题。与发达国家的法律相比,由于印度的法律要求根据效用和重要性来定义数据,因此,本文建议对与数据提取,保护和销毁以及业务保障政策和维护合规性义务有关的规则进行更改。



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