首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Learning and Change >Generation Z's learning preferences: impact on organisational learning and development - a study conducted in a vocational institute in UAE

Generation Z's learning preferences: impact on organisational learning and development - a study conducted in a vocational institute in UAE


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West-based research suggests that Generation Z (youth born 1995 onwards) engages less with classroom-based traditional learning (TL) and prefers interactive e-learning (IL), just-in-time learning (JITL) and collaborative learning (CL). This research, conducted in a vocational training institute in United Arab Emirates (UAE), determines whether UAE Generation Z has learning preferences similar to Western Generation Z, and analyses the impact of these preferences on organisational L&D programs. Results support the existing notion that Generation Z prefers IL more than predecessor generations however, this study has also found that UAE Gen Z does not discard TL as a means for learning and want this mode of learning to go along with IL, JITL and CL. Pearson's r analysis showed significant positive correlations between learning preferences (IL, JITL and CL) and their impact on trainees' interest in organisational L&D programs. Regression analysis showed significant variances in trainees' interest in organisational L&D programs because of using these learning preferences.
机译:西方的研究表明,Z一代(1995年出生的年轻人)较少参与基于课堂的传统学习(TL),而更喜欢交互式电子学习(IL),即时学习(JITL)和协作学习(CL) 。这项研究是在阿拉伯联合酋长国(UAE)的职业培训机构中进行的,它确定阿联酋Z一代是否具有与西方Z一代相似的学习偏好,并分析这些偏好对组织L&D计划的影响。结果支持现有的观点,即Z世代比前几代人更喜欢IL,但是,这项研究还发现,UAE Gen Z并没有放弃TL作为学习手段,而是希望这种学习模式与IL,JITL和CL保持一致。 Pearson的r分析显示学习偏好(IL,JITL和CL)与其对学员对组织L&D计划的兴趣的影响之间存在显着的正相关。回归分析显示,由于使用了这些学习偏好,受训者对组织L&D计划的兴趣存在显着差异。



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