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Intelligence without Essence: Rejecting the Classical Theory of Definition


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"To show the fly the way out of the fly bottle"-that, Ludwig Wittgenstein said, was the aim of his philosophy. The comment, in Philosophical Investigations (PI), was directed at his fellow philosophers-including his younger self-who get caught in seemingly escapable glass traps by covetously observing success in science and its ability to give reductive explanations. But the concepts Wittgenstein and his contemporaries were interested in were highly resistant to the scientific method. He compared their endless struggle for a structured logical form applicable to everything with the fly, which constantly attempts to escape by slamming into the inside of the transparent bottle. What was needed, Wittgenstein observed, was a way out-a liberation from the glass prison of pretend obstacles philosophers had put in front of themselves, by paying attention to the role concepts really play in thought and language. "Don't think, but look!" Wittgenstein repeatedly bellows in Philosophical Investigations.
机译:路德维格·维特根斯坦(Ludwig Wittgenstein)说,“向苍蝇展示如​​何从苍蝇瓶中脱出”是他的哲学宗旨。该评论发表在《哲学研究》(PI)中,针对的是他的其他哲学家-包括他的年轻自我,他们热切地观察科学的成功及其提供还原性解释的能力,从而陷入了似乎可以逃脱的玻璃陷阱中。但是维特根斯坦和他的同时代人感兴趣的概念高度抵制了科学方法。他比较了他们为适用于所有物体的结构化逻辑形式而进行的无休止的斗争,这种形式不断地试图通过撞入透明瓶子的内部来逃脱。维特根斯坦(Wittgenstein)观察到,所需要的是摆脱哲学家摆在自己面前的假装障碍的玻璃监狱,方法是通过注意概念在思想和语言中的真正作用。 “别想,但是看!”维特根斯坦(Wittgenstein)多次在哲学研究中大吼大叫。



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