首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Information Management >Exploring the role of personality, trust, and privacy in customer experience performance during voice shopping: Evidence from SEM and fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis

Exploring the role of personality, trust, and privacy in customer experience performance during voice shopping: Evidence from SEM and fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis


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Voice shopping is becoming increasingly popular among consumers due to the ubiquitous presence of artificial intelligence (AI)-based voice assistants in our daily lives. This study explores how personality, trust, privacy concerns, and prior experiences affect customer experience performance perceptions and the combinations of these factors that lead to high customer experience performance. Goldberg?s Big Five Factors of personality, a contextualized theory of reasoned action (TRA-privacy), and recent literature on customer experience are used to develop and propose a conceptual research model. The model was tested using survey data from 224 US-based voice shoppers. The data were analyzed using partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) and fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis (fsQCA). PLS-SEM revealed that trust and privacy concerns mediate the relationship between personality (agreeableness, emotional instability, and conscientiousness) and voice shoppers? perceptions of customer experience performance. FsQCA reveals the combinations of these factors that lead to high perceptions of customer experience performance. This study contributes to voice shopping literature, which is a relatively understudied area of e-commerce research yet an increasingly popular shopping method.
机译:由于我们日常生活中的人工智能(AI)的普遍存在,由于人工智能(AI)的无处不在的语音助手,语音购物在消费者中越来越受欢迎。本研究探讨了人格,信任,隐私问题和现有经验如何影响客户体验性能看法以及导致客户体验性能高的这些因素的组合。戈德伯格?S大五个人格因素,一种环境化的理论理论(TRA隐私),以及最近的客户体验的文献用于开发和提出概念研究模型。使用来自224名美国语音购物者的调查数据测试了该模型。使用局部最小二乘结构方程建模(PLS-SEM)和模糊定性比较分析(FSQCA)分析数据。 PLS-SEM透露,信任和隐私问题涉及人格之间的关系(协商,情绪不稳定和良心)和语音购物者?对客户体验表现的看法。 FSQCA揭示了这些因素的组合,这导致客户体验表现的高度看法。这项研究有助于语音购物文学,是电子商务研究的一个相对较高的地区,越来越受欢迎的购物方法。




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