首页> 外文期刊>International journal of imaging systems and technology >Early detection of melanoma images using gray level co-occurrence matrix features and machine learning techniques for effective clinical diagnosis

Early detection of melanoma images using gray level co-occurrence matrix features and machine learning techniques for effective clinical diagnosis


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Melanoma is an early stage of skin cancer. The objective of the proposed work is to detect the symptoms of melanoma early through images of the moles obtained from image processing device and classify the types. The procedure involves converting raw melanoma skin image initially into hue, saturation, and intensity for digital processing. The required information for detecting melanoma is available in the intensity part of the color image. The intensity of the image is down sampled to decrease the bit depth. If the illumination of the down sampled image is not uniform, then gamma correction is applied to get the uniform illumination. A K-means clustering is applied on gamma corrected image which segments the melanoma part from the skin. Textural features are extracted from the segmented image using gray level co-occurrence matrix. Machine learning technique is applied to classify the melanoma images into types like lentigo, acral, nodular, and superficial. Melanoma is detected in this process with an accuracy of 90%.
机译:黑色素瘤是皮肤癌的早期阶段。拟议作品的目的是通过从图像处理装置获得的摩尔的图像来检测黑素瘤的症状,并对类型进行分类。该程序涉及将原始黑素瘤皮肤图像最初转化为色调,饱和度和数字处理的强度。检测黑素瘤的所需信息可在彩色图像的强度部分中获得。图像的强度下降,以减少比特深度。如果向下采样图像的照明不均匀,则施加伽马校正以获得均匀的照明。 K-means聚类应用于伽马校正的图像,该图像将黑素瘤部分与皮肤分开。使用灰度共发生矩阵从分段图像中提取纹理特征。应用机器学习技术以将黑素瘤图像分类为氟代,轴轴,结节性和肤浅等类型。在该过程中检测到黑色素瘤,精度为90%。



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