首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer >Shape design for a cylinder with uniform temperature distribution on the outer surface by inverse heat transfer method

Shape design for a cylinder with uniform temperature distribution on the outer surface by inverse heat transfer method


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Performance of the inverse heat transfer method in application to the shape design for the heat convection problems has been evaluated. The approach is constructed by combining curvilinear grid generation scheme, direct problem solver, conjugate gradient optimization method, and redistribution method. Shape design for the outer surface profile of a solid medium in a crossflow that contains a heating element and features an isothermal outer surface has been carried out. Practical cases under different combinations of the dominant physical parameters, including Reynolds number (Re), thermal conductivity ratio (k_f/k_s), desired outer surface temperature (θ_d), and Prandtl number (Pr), are studied to evaluate the effects of the physical parameters on the shape design.
机译:已经评估了逆向热传递方法在热对流问题的形状设计中的应用。该方法是结合曲线网格生成方案,直接问题求解器,共轭梯度优化方法和重新分配方法构造的。已经对包含加热元件并具有等温外表面的错流中的固体介质的外表面轮廓进行了形状设计。研究了在包括雷诺数(Re),导热系数(k_f / k_s),所需外表面温度(θ_d)和普朗特数(Pr)在内的主要物理参数不同组合下的实际情况,以评估热电偶的影响。形状设计上的物理参数。



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