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Horses and Heroes: Plato’s Phaedrus and Mary Renault’s The Charioteer

机译:马与英雄:柏拉图的《 Phaedrus》和玛丽·雷诺的《战车》

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Little attention has been paid to Mary Renault’s choice of title for The Charioteer. Reading the Phaedrus, Laurie Odell, Renault’s protagonist, realizes: “In his imagination the pages were printed not with their own paragraphs only, but with all that he himself had brought to them: it seemed as though he must be identified and revealed in them, beyond all pretense of detachment, as if they were a diary to which he had committed every secret of his heart.” Clearly, the Platonic subtext remains crucial in Renault’s novel. The Phaedrus, in its central allegory proposed by Socrates, offers an erotic choice between the white horse and the black horse and (ideally) the mastery of the two by the charioteer. In The Charioteer, Ralph Lanyon privileges the black horse and exposes Laurie’s love for Andrew Raynes, who embodies mainly the white horse, as insufficient. Renault uses Plato as a model for a love between two young men that offers the good life, a love uncontaminated by the “queerness” of modern homosexuality. However, since the promiscuity of the gay world is, to some extent, anticipated by another participant in the Phaedrus, Lysias, the choice for Laurie is not only between black horse and white horse, but also between Lysian non-eros and Socratic love.
机译:玛丽·雷诺(Mary Renault)为“战车”(Charioteer)的头衔选择很少引起注意。雷诺的主人公劳里·奥德尔(Laurie Odell)在阅读《佛法》时说:“在他的想象中,这些书页的印刷不仅带有自己的段落,还带有他本人带给他们的一切:似乎他必须被识别并在其中揭示出来超越了所有超脱的伪装,仿佛这是他将自己内心的每一个秘密都写在日记上。”显然,柏拉图式的潜台词在雷诺的小说中仍然至关重要。在苏格拉底提出的中央寓言中,“ Phaedrus”在白马和黑马之间提供了一种色情选择,并且(理想情况下)由战车夫精通两者。在《战车骑士》中,拉尔夫·兰尼恩(Ralph Lanyon)给予黑马以特权,并揭露了劳瑞对安德鲁·雷恩斯(Andrew Raynes)的爱,而安德鲁·雷恩斯(Andrew Raynes)则主要体现了白马,这是不够的。雷诺以柏拉图为榜样,表达了两个年轻人之间的爱情,这种爱情提供了美好的生活,这种爱情没有被现代同性恋的“酷性”所污染。但是,由于同性恋世界的滥交在某种程度上是Phaedrus的另一名参与者Lysias所预期的,因此Laurie的选择不仅是在黑骏马与白马之间,而且是在Lysian非色情与苏格拉底之爱之间。



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