
Boom time


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The high-yield bond market is on track for a strong second half, following a better start to 2014 than anyone expected in both volumes and returns, thanks to lower underlying rates, a compression in spreads and a rebound in M&A. Global high-yield volume hit US$264.7bn in the first half - the highest first six months on record and 10.6% up from the same period a year ago, according to Thomson Reuters data. This was a surprise to most of the market, which had been expecting supply to fall. "If you had asked me in December where I thought volumes would be mid-year, I would have said significantly lower," said Peter Toal, head of global leveraged finance syndicate at Barclays.
机译:高收益债券市场有望在下半年表现强劲,因为2014年的开端好于预期,无论是交易量还是收益率,都比任何人预期的都要好,这要归功于基础利率降低,利差压缩和并购反弹。汤森路透(Thomson Reuters)的数据显示,上半年全球高收益债券交易量达到2647亿美元,是有记录以来的前六个月最高水平,比去年同期增长了10.6%。这令大多数市场一直感到意外,因为他们一直预计供应量会下降。巴克莱(Barclays)全球杠杆金融集团负责人彼得•托尔(Peter Toal)说:“如果您在12月问我,我认为交易量会在年中,那我会说要低得多。”



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