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Multinationals Can Guide Suppliers Toward Sustainability by Setting Example, Execs Say


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Sometimes the most effective way for a multinational company to persuade its suppliers to embed its environmental and sustainable goals into their own operations is leading by example, a senior procurement executive for a global consumer business said. Take the case of Unilever NV, one of the world's largest buyers of palm oil for use in products such as margarine, ice cream, soap and shampoo. To help it reach its stated ambition of acquiring all of its palm oil sus-tainably from certified, traceable sources by 2020, the Anglo-Dutch multinational will next year, for the first time, start producing its own palm oil, said Dirk Jan de With, the company's vice president for procurement ingredients and sustainability.
机译:一家全球消费者业务的高级采购主管说,有时候,跨国公司说服供应商将环境和可持续发展目标纳入自己的业务的最有效方法就是以身作则。以联合利华(Unilever NV)为例,后者是世界上最大的棕榈油买家之一,用于人造黄油,冰淇淋,肥皂和洗发精等产品。为了帮助该公司实现其雄心勃勃的野心,即到2020年以可持续的方式从认证的可追溯来源获得其所有棕榈油,英荷跨国公司将在明年首次开始生产自己的棕榈油。随同,该公司负责采购原料和可持续性的副总裁。



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