首页> 外文期刊>Interiors: design, architecture and culture >Performance, Space, Time: The Production of Inferiority in Black Rock City

Performance, Space, Time: The Production of Inferiority in Black Rock City


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Temporary environments for revelry and celebration offer incredible opportunities for exploration, experimentation, and empowerment; the impermanent nature of experience is mesmerizing when we cherish the moments and wish they would last forever. Ephemeral spaces constitute an amazing laboratory for researching the social production of interiority. When researching temporary environments, there is hardly a better case for ephemerality and enchantment than the surreal phenomenon of Burning Man, an event that creates Black Rock City in the Nevada desert. Black Rock City provides a safe and supportive environment for experimenting with new kinds of social organization, new relationships, norms, and rules of behavior, as well as new forms of art and new spatialities. The goal of this project is to explore the production of space by this alternative culture that physically gathers for only one week each year. The objective is to highlight the social nature of the interiorization of space in this city constructed for celebration, where people experience, collaborate, and take pride in their work. At Black Rock City, the interiorization of space becomes a product of social inclusion, sharing, and personal transformation. This is a realm where the production of space is tantamount to the production of interiority. The Burner culture produces a continuous, free-flowing, and all-inclusive interiority in its accommodation and celebration of creativity, diversity, and spirituality.
机译:狂欢和庆祝的临时环境为探索,实验和授权提供了难以置信的机会;当我们珍惜这些时刻并希望它们能够永远持续下去时,体验的无常性令人着迷。短暂的空间构成了一个惊人的实验室,用于研究室内性的社会产生。在研究临时环境时,几乎没有比“燃烧的人”超现实的现象更好的表述性和魅力了,该事件在内华达州的沙漠中创造了黑石城。黑岩城(Black Rock City)为尝试新型的社会组织,新的关系,规范和行为规则以及新的艺术形式和新的空间提供了安全和支持的环境。该项目的目标是探索这种另类文化的空间生产,这种文化每年仅会聚在一起一周。目的是强调这座为庆祝而建造的城市中空间内部化的社会本质,人们在这里体验,合作并为自己的工作感到自豪。在黑石城,空间的内部化成为社会包容,共享和个人转型的产物。在这个领域,空间的产生等于内部空间的产生。燃烧器文化在其住宿和庆祝创造力,多样性和灵性的过程中产生了连续,自由流动,包罗万象的内部性。



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