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From boot camp to bu-bu? IT surveillance, patriarchal familism, and labor control: a South Korean case study

机译:从新兵训练营到bu-bu? IT监视,父权制家庭主义和劳动控制:韩国案例研究

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Information technology capable of real-time evaluation has changed the nature of labor control by completely monitoring a system. This homeostasis of real-time control eliminating the space barrier has increased workers' stress and anxiety and weakened the workers' solidarity. An IT surveillance system, frequently called an electronic panopticon, has been viewed as the sophisticated form of the Talyor principle of scientific management. However, IT surveillance has operated in the way of combined form with the cultural values of a certain society. In this paper, I show how cultural values influence labor control through IT surveillance using a case study from the tire industry. H tire company has introduced the DAS (Data Acquisition System) for increasing productivity through a new control system. Real-time evaluation, an instant report of each workers' merit on the monitor, and compensation have made workers feel constantly under surveillance and under stress due to competition with other workers. This IT surveillance has more deeply influenced labor control when combined with patriarchal familism - composed of features such as group-oriented attitudes, hierarchical relations between the old and young, subordination to one's seniors, etc, which have come to be viewed as some of the typical cultural values prevalent in South Korea. Although the basic principle of technology may be the same in all societies, the effects of applied information technology depend on specific socio-historical contexts: not only culture, habits, and politics, but also the power relations between managers and workers. I will tentatively designate this as a 'hybrid form' of labor control, in the sense that cultural value is added or intermingled with the principle of IT surveillance.
机译:能够进行实时评估的信息技术通过完全监视系统来改变了劳动控制的性质。消除空间障碍的实时控制的这种动态平衡增加了工人的压力和焦虑,并削弱了工人的团结。 IT监视系统(通常称为电子panopticon)被视为Talyor科学管理原理的复杂形式。但是,IT监视是以与某种社会的文化价值相结合的方式进行的。在本文中,我将通过轮胎行业的案例研究来说明文化价值观如何通过IT监控影响劳动控制。 H轮胎公司推出了DAS(数据采集系统),以通过新的控制系统提高生产率。实时评估,在监视器上即时报告每个工人的功绩以及补偿,使工人感到不断受到监视,并且由于与其他工人的竞争而承受压力。当与父权制家族主义相结合时,这种IT监视对劳动控制产生了更深远的影响-这些特征包括以群体为中心的态度,老年人和年轻人之间的等级关系,服从上级等,这些特征已被视为一些韩国普遍存在的典型文化价值。尽管技术的基本原理在所有社会中可能都是相同的,但是应用信息技术的效果取决于特定的社会历史环境:不仅是文化,习惯和政治,而且还取决于管理者和工人之间的权力关系。在将文化价值与IT监视原理相结合或融合的意义上,我将暂定为劳动控制的“混合形式”。



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