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Psychology and the Notion of the Spirit: Implications of Max Scheler’s Anthropological Philosophy in Theory of Psychology


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After many decades with neglect Max Scheler and his anthropological contributions to the understanding of human existence, have gotten  more attention in psychology and other humanities. One factor is the actuality of his main project of revaluating the roles of values in philosophy and science. Yet another is the way individual scholars have applied Scheler’s philosophy and terms on different fields and arenas. Viktor Frankl was one of these, and he brought Scheler’s philosophical anthropology into psychotherapeutic practice, offering theoretical and empirical arguments for considering the notion of the spirit as an interdependent –yet separate- entity in regards to the psyche and the soma. During this commentary on Allyushin (Integrative Psychology Behaviour, 48, 503–523, 2014), we will discuss some general aspects of Scheler’s contribution to phenomenology, but focus specifically on the implication of his notion of the spirit for psychological theory, acknowledging the work that has been done in the field for at least 60 years in logotherapy and existential analysis. With this purpose, we will highlight four other notions interrelated with the motivational quality of the notion of the spirit: resentment, axiology of values; self-detachment and self-transcendence.
机译:经过数十年的忽视,马克斯·舍勒(Max Scheler)及其人类学对理解人类存在的贡献在心理学和其他人文学科上引起了更多关注。一个因素是他重新评估价值观在哲学和科学中的作用的主要项目的现实性。另一个是个人学者在不同领域和领域应用舍勒的哲学和术语的方式。维克多·弗兰克(Viktor Frankl)就是其中之一,他将舍勒(Scheler)的哲学人类学带入了心理治疗实践,提供了理论和经验论证,将精神概念视为关于心理和躯体的相互依存的独立实体。在本篇关于阿留欣的评论(综合心理学行为,2014年第48期,第503-523页)中,我们将讨论舍勒对现象学的贡献的一些一般方面,但将重点放在他的精神观念对心理学理论的暗示上,以表彰其工作。在徽标疗法和存在性分析领域至少已进行了60年的实践。为此,我们将重点介绍与精神概念的动机品质相关的其他四个概念:怨恨,价值观价值论;自我超脱和自我超越。



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