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Evaluation of landslide hazards at Herth, Chitral, Pakistan

机译:巴基斯坦Chitral Herth的滑坡灾害评估

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The main purpose of this paper was to evaluate landslide hazards at Herth, Chitral, Pakistan. Based on a comprehensivecross-disciplinary research methodology, it was found that the geology of the area is complex with deformations in variousdirections. In a semiarid climate (BSk), large variations in rainfall (80 mm in spring and 8 mm in summer) and temperature(− 1 ℃ in January and 35 ℃ in July) affect the temporal distribution of landslides in the area. Overlaying weak weatheredrocks, the 6–12 m thick soft soils exhibit up to 8-m-deep tension cracks and several shallow slope failures. Likewise, thehigh-relief mountains (2235–3155 m) mainly face southwards (40%) and northwards (35%) with 58% areas at inclinationsof 15°–45° and 39% area with up to 15° slopes. The surface soils are mainly clayey sands with occasional silts and remainunsaturated due to high drainage in the field. The stress–strain behavior is identical to loose sands with the residual frictionangle close to the peak value (32°–34°) indicating the lowest possible shear strength. Finally, the landslide areas have generallyincreased from 1985 through 2014 for Karimabad (0.32–0.84 km~2), Ajrandeh (0.3–0.74 km~2) and Shah (0.13–0.42 km~2).
机译:本文的主要目的是评估巴基斯坦Chitral Herth的滑坡灾害。基于综合的跨学科研究方法,发现该地区的地质情况复杂,并在各个方向上都有变形。在半干旱气候(BSk)中,降雨(春季为80毫米,夏季为8毫米)和温度(1月份− 1℃,7月35℃)的巨大变化影响了该地区滑坡的时间分布。覆盖薄弱的风化岩石,6-12 m厚的软土表现出高达8 m深的张力裂缝和几次浅层边坡破坏。同样,高浮雕山脉(2235–3155 m)主要面向南(40%)和北(35%),其中58%的区域倾斜度为15°-45°,39%的区域倾斜度最高为15°。表层土壤主要是粘土质砂土,偶有淤泥,并且由于田间高排水而保持不饱和状态。应力-应变行为与散砂相同,残余摩擦角接近峰值(32°–34°),表明可能的最低剪切强度。最后,从1985年到2014年,Karimabad(0.32–0.84 km〜2),Ajrandeh(0.3–0.74 km〜2)和Shah(0.13–0.42 km〜2)的滑坡面积普遍增加。



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