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A dynamic monopoly with risk-averse consumers


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I study the dynamically optimal pricing strategy of a forward-looking monopolist that introduces a novel product when facing a normalized population of risk-averse, non-strategic consumers. The product can be seen as an experience good in the first period. How well the product fits the consumers' taste is learned only after experimentation, allowing for signaling in the second period. I find that the larger the degree of risk aversion, the higher the probability of observing an introductory price. Moreover, after the realization of a relatively poor fit between the product and the consumers' taste, an introductory price is optimal from an ex-post perspective. Finally, a first-period price ceiling leads to a strictly larger level of welfare if and only if consumers are moderately risk averse. (C) 2018 The Author. Published by Elsevier B.V.
机译:我研究了一个前瞻性垄断者的动态最优定价策略,该垄断者在面对规避风险的非战略性消费者的标准化群体时会推出新产品。可以将产品视为第一阶段的良好体验。只有在进行实验后才能了解到该产品与消费者口味的吻合程度,从而可以在第二阶段进行信号传递。我发现,规避风险的程度越大,遵守介绍价格的可能性就越高。此外,在实现产品与消费者的口味之间的相对差的匹配之后,从事后角度出发,引入价格是最佳的。最后,当且仅当消费者适度规避风险时,第一阶段的价格上限才能带来更高的福利水平。 (C)2018作者。由Elsevier B.V.发布



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