首页> 外文期刊>Industrial Electronics, IEEE Transactions on >Multilevel Optimal Predictive Dynamic Voltage Restorer

Multilevel Optimal Predictive Dynamic Voltage Restorer




This paper presents an optimal predictive controller for a multilevel converter-based dynamic voltage restorer (DVR), which is able to improve the voltage quality of sensitive loads connected to the electrical power network. The optimal predictive controlled multilevel DVR can restore sags and short interruptions while reducing the total harmonic distortion (THD) of the ac line voltages to values lower than 1%. The DVR is based on a three-phase neutral point clamped converter to dynamically inject a compensation voltage vector in series with the line voltage, through series-connected transformer secondary windings. To assure high-quality voltages for sensitive loads, we devise optimal predictive control laws for the injected compensation ac voltages. A suitable quadratic weighed cost functional is used to choose the voltage vector, minimizing both the ac voltage errors through current injection and the dc side capacitor voltage unbalancing. The performance of the proposed predictive controller is compared to classical proportional integral (PI): synchronous frame and stationary frame (P $+$resonant) controllers. The line-side filter capacitor topology is compared to the regular converter-side filter capacitor. Obtained experimental results show that the ac voltages are almost sinusoidal in steady-state operation when facing balanced and unbalanced sags and short interruptions with unbalanced loads. Voltage THD is reduced to values lower than 1%; the DVR is behaving also as a series active power filter for the ac voltages.
机译:本文提出了一种用于基于多电平转换器的动态电压恢复器(DVR)的最佳预测控制器,该控制器能够提高连接到电网的敏感负载的电压质量。最佳的预测控制多电平DVR可以恢复下垂和短时中断,同时将交流线路电压的总谐波失真(THD)降低到低于1%的值。 DVR基于三相中性点钳位转换器,通过串联的变压器次级绕组动态注入与线路电压串联的补偿电压矢量。为了确保灵敏负载的高质量电压,我们针对注入的补偿交流电压设计了最佳的预测控制律。使用合适的二次加权成本函数来选择电压矢量,从而将通过电流注入和直流侧电容器电压不平衡引起的交流电压误差最小化。将拟议的预测控制器的性能与经典比例积分(PI)进行了比较:同步帧和固定帧(P $ + $ resonant)控制器。将线路侧滤波电容器拓扑与常规转换器侧滤波电容器进行比较。获得的实验结果表明,当面对平衡和不平衡的突降以及负载不平衡的短暂中断时,稳态工作时的交流电压几乎为正弦波。电压THD降低到低于1%的值; DVR还可以作为交流电压的串联有源功率滤波器。



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